
穴口一輝さん、23歳で死去 タイトル戦は年間最高試合に選出[2024.2.3]

穴口一輝さん、23歳で死去 タイトル戦は年間最高試合に選出



✅ 励ましの音声テープを耳元で流し続けるも…4度ダウンの穴口一輝が開頭手術後も意識戻らず死去…井上尚弥セミの日本王座戦


■ 2023年度の「年間最高試合」を受賞

 その後は、激しい打撃戦となり、穴口は、7、9ラウンドとダウンを喫したが、その度に立ち上がり反撃に転じていた。 最終ラウンドも、ポイントをとれば穴口の勝利だった。

 大阪の岸和田市出身の穴口は、6歳からボクシングを始めて小、中で全国大会のタイトルを総なめにし、芦屋学園高時代には高校2冠を獲得した。強豪の芦屋大へ進み、東京五輪を目指していたが、選考会を兼ねた全日本選手権で敗れて一時、ボクシングから離れた。だが、出稽古で何度か真正ジムに来ていた穴口の才能を買っていた山下会長がスカウトし、76戦68勝8敗のアマ戦績を持って2021年7月にプロデビュー。無傷の4連勝で今回のモンスタートーナメント参戦を表明した。 5月の1回戦で内構拳斗(横浜光)に判定勝利。8月の準決勝でも梅津奨利(三谷大和)に判定勝利して決勝進出を決めていた。優勝賞金で家族旅行に行くことを目標にしていたが、決勝を前にXに「 今は1000万なんて本当にどうでもいい。 とにかくベルトが欲しい」ともポストしていた。


The Japan Boxing Commission (JBC) announced on the 2nd that IkkI Anaguchi (Shinsei), who suffered four knockdowns and a decision loss in the Japanese bantamweight title match held at Ariake Arena on December 26 last year, has passed away. Anaguchi lost consciousness after the match and underwent emergency surgery for a right subdural hematoma, transported by ambulance. Despite ongoing observation, he did not regain consciousness and peacefully passed away at 5:38 pm on this day. He was 23 years old.

■ Awarded the "Best Match of the Year" for the 2023 fiscal year

Prayers went unanswered. Although selected for the "Best Match of the Year (excluding world matches)" announced on the 2nd for the 2023 fiscal year, the honor coincided tragically with the ten-count of Anaguchi's life. Anaguchi competed in the semifinal of a significant match with Naoya Inoue (Ohashi), aiming for a two-weight class, four-organization conquest. It was the "Naoya Inoue 4-Organization Unification Commemorative Bantamweight Monster Tournament" final, challenging the belt of the Japanese class champion, Seiya Tsutsumi (28, Kakusho Ebi Jewelry), with a prize of 10 million yen for the winner.

Although it was a match between undefeated southpaws, Anaguchi accumulated points with speedy boxing utilizing footwork from the beginning. In the third round, he cut Tsutsumi's left eye above with a punch. In the fourth round, he was knocked down by a follow-up from a left long hook, but it was not a damaging knockdown. At the end of the fifth round, the public scorecards unanimously supported Anaguchi. The subsequent rounds turned into an intense exchange of blows. Anaguchi suffered knockdowns in the 7th and 9th rounds but consistently rose and counterattacked. Even in the final round, victory would be Anaguchi's if he scored points.

"Absolutely going to win. Going for the knockout."
Anaguchi declared this strongly to his corner as he left. JBC inspectors checked Anaguchi's condition during every interval, but no abnormalities were observed to stop the match. However, with just 10 seconds left, he took a series of blows starting from a right straight. Though not a clean hit, Anaguchi fell forward. He quickly got up, assuming a fighting pose, but the gong sounded. The decision was 94–92 on two cards, 95–91 on one card, a 3-0 decision in favor of Tsutsumi, who successfully defended his title for the fourth time.

Anaguchi's legs wobbled immediately after the match. While congratulating each other at the center of the ring, abnormal spasms occurred in his legs. Back in the corner, Anaguchi couldn't even kneel or sit on a chair. At this point, he still had clear consciousness, walking back to the dressing room with trainer assistance. However, he lost strength in the dressing room, was transported to the hospital by ambulance, and entered a dangerous state of unconsciousness, starting to snore.

He was swiftly taken to a hospital in Tokyo by ambulance. Due to JBC's arrangements, two neurosurgeons were on standby, and without time loss, emergency surgery was performed to reduce brain pressure. Despite these efforts, consciousness did not return, and a precarious situation persisted. At the end of the year, measures to activate the respiratory system were taken, blood pressure, which had decreased, returned to normal, but consciousness did not return, and organ function began to be affected.

Wishes for recovery poured in from fellow boxers like Naoya Inoue. Anaguchi's wife, a classmate, their two-year-old daughter, Shinsei Gym's president Masato Yamashita, and Anaguchi's mother took turns caring for him in the hospital. They played recorded family messages and encouraging tapes, hoping for his recovery. President Yamashita, who spared no effort in nursing, visited a nearby shrine in Tokyo multiple times a day, praying for Anaguchi's consciousness to return.

When President Yamashita met him on January 23 at Edion Arena Osaka during a world match, he inquired about the current situation, but Anaguchi appeared deeply exhausted.

"We really don't know where the bleeding occurred during the match... No abnormalities were observed until the end of the match. Anaguchi is someone with incredible determination. I truly believe he will regain consciousness."
Such conversations were held. However, the wish did not come true.

Anaguchi, originally from Kishiwada City, Osaka, started boxing at the age of 6, dominating national competitions in elementary and middle school. In high school at Ashiya Gakuen, he won two titles. He advanced to the strong Ashiya University with aspirations for the Tokyo Olympics but temporarily distanced himself from boxing after losing in the All Japan Championship, which also served as a selection event. However, recognizing Anaguchi's talent during several guest practices at Shinsei Gym, President Yamashita scouted him. With a record of 76 amateur bouts with 68 wins and 8 losses, he turned professional in July 2021. He declared his participation in the Monster Tournament with four consecutive wins, winning a decision against Kento Uchikoshikento (Yokohama Hikari) in the first round in May. He secured a spot in the final by winning a decision against Shohei Umetani (Mitani Yamato) in the semi-final in August. Although his goal was a family trip with the prize money, he posted on social media before the final, saying, "Right now, 10 million doesn't really matter. I just want the belt."

Nobody will forget the "battle of the soul" that Anaguchi showed at Ariake Arena. May he rest in peace in heaven...

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✅ ボクシングが好きで幼い頃からよく見ていますが、テレビもリアル観戦も含めて、観戦した試合の選手が亡くなったのは初めてでした。
✅ アマチュアで輝かしいキャリアを持つ同士の対戦で試合前から楽しみでした。
✅ LIVE配信で観戦していた試合の選手が、試合後亡くなったと云うのは初めての事であり、大変ショックを受けています。改めて穴口選手のご冥福をお祈り致します。試合を止める唯一の権限を持つレフェリーを責める訳にはいかないが、将来性豊かな貴重な選手を失った今回の悲劇を2度と繰り返さない為にも、試合を管理するJBCは選手の健康管理(生命管理)に真剣に取り組んで貰いたいと考えます。


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