
裏金事件 自民32人は還流を認識[2024.2.16]

裏金事件 自民32人は還流を認識



✅ 自民32人は還流を認識、11人は不記載も把握…自民議員らへの事情聴取報告書




On the 15th, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) disclosed a report on the hearings conducted with members involved in the political funding violation case related to factions. Out of 85 individuals who received party income flows, 32 acknowledged the inflow, while 53 used it for personnel expenses, among other things. The LDP is coordinating to hold a political ethics committee in the Diet to have those involved explain their actions. The hearings were conducted with 82 members from the Abe and Nikai factions, three former members, and 91 individuals including secretaries-general from six factions and two groups. The report, compiled by lawyers appointed by the LDP, anonymized the responses of the members. All 85 current and former members confirmed the inflows, totaling ¥579.49 million over five years from 2018 to 2022, with ¥35.26 million being the highest individual amount. The methods of inflow included 53 individuals returning excess quotas from factional ticket sales, 16 using a pool system managed by the members, and 16 using a combination of both methods. Fifteen examples of usage were listed, including social gathering fees, book expenses, personnel expenses, and gift expenses. Among the 32 who acknowledged the inflow, 11 from the Abe faction were aware that it was not reported in their political funding reports. The report suggested that although it was unclear when inflows began in the Abe faction, it was likely happening for over a decade. Prime Minister Kishida, upon receiving the report, stated at the Prime Minister's Office that "we must seize every opportunity to fulfill our responsibility to explain to the public and restore their trust." It is presumed that this statement was made with the intention of holding the political ethics committee. Hagiuda Koichi, former chairman of the party's Policy Research Council, stated at the party headquarters on the same day regarding attendance at the political ethics committee, "If clear criteria for attendance are announced and I am a subject, I will not refuse." Hagiuda is one of the "Five" who holds a central position in the Abe faction. Among the "Five," former Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno and former Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Yasutoshi Nishimura, and former Chairman of the House of Councillors Hiroshi Seko intend to attend the political ethics committee, while former Chairman of the Diet Affairs Committee Takeshi Takagi has not clearly stated his stance.

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