
駅内売れ残りパン自販機 連日完売[2024.2.25]

駅内売れ残りパン自販機 連日完売



✅ 横浜関内駅の売れ残りパン自販機1カ月 連日完売の大盛況、あまりの売れ行きに店長ら複雑





A month has passed since the initiative to reduce food waste started at the "SDGs Station Yokohama Kannai" exhibition space in Yokohama Municipal Subway Kannai Station, where bread that would otherwise be discarded despite being within its expiration date can be purchased through locker-type vending machines. The initiative, which began on January 18th, is being undertaken by the city and the manufacturing and sales company of the lockers, "Endo Bread" located in Yokohama's Naka Ward. Endo Bread shifts its weekday closing time forward by one hour and delivers unsold bread of the day to the lockers by around 8 p.m., allowing customers to purchase items such as white bread, salt bread, and sandwich bread at approximately 30% off the regular price. When I peeked into the delivery site on the 14th of this month, there was already a line forming around 7 p.m. Mr. Hiroshi Hagiwara (59), a company employee residing in Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, commented, "It's a fantastic initiative. When I tried it out, the bread was delicious. I've been coming here multiple times." A woman in her 50s, also a company employee residing in Minami Ward, Yokohama, who had been lining up since 10 minutes before the delivery, nodded with a smile, saying, "I also buy from regular stores, but with the discount and the same taste, it's really great."

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✅ 売れ残りを捨てずに安価に売るのはよいですね。パンの自動販売機は珍しさもあり、人気なのだと思います。ある百貨店の地下にある焼きたてパン屋では、毎晩、ごみ袋いっぱいパンを捨てているということで相談を受けたことがありました。なんでも、百貨店側から「閉店まぎわのお客さんも全種類選べるように、すべての種類を残しておくように」と指示があったそうです。でも「ブランドイメージが崩れるから値引きは絶対するな」とのこと。そして毎日、焼きたてパンを捨てざるを得ない。これでは働く人のモチベーションも下がってしまいます。でも、このような記事を見るたびに思うのですが「安売りする前に、必要な数だけ定価で売って売り切るのが一番いい」ということです。いつも余る前提なので。適量つくって適量売り、お客は適量を買う。これが最も理想です。理想どおりにいかないから余った分は安売りするのですが余る量があまりに過剰なのは本末転倒です。
✅ 国内の食品ロスは農水省の推計では523万トンで、事業系食品は279万トン、家庭系は244万トンと膨大な量にのぼり、国民一人当たり64キログラムになる。

According to estimates from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, domestic food loss amounts to 5.23 million tons, with 2.79 million tons from businesses and 2.44 million tons from households, reaching a staggering amount. This translates to 64 kilograms per capita. In recent years, stores selling products nearing their expiration date have emerged, with some supermarkets dedicating sections to such items. While there are cases of bakeries selling leftover bread or offering discounts, the majority still ends up being discarded. While vending machine sales like this are rare, the increasing consumer focus on thriftiness and interest in SDGs suggests that demand for discounted leftover goods will likely rise. It's also crucial to raise consumer awareness about reducing food waste within households.
✅ SDGsなんて未だに言ってるから真の姿が見えなくなる。




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