




✅ 旧統一教会「指定宗教法人」指定方針を了承 財産の監視強化へ 宗教法人審議会




The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology explained its policy to designate the assets of the former Unification Church as a "specified religious corporation" at the Religious Corporation Deliberation Council and it was approved. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology explained its policy to designate the former Unification Church as a "specified religious corporation" at the Religious Corporation Deliberation Council held on the morning of the 6th. The council unanimously approved this policy, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology is expected to officially decide on the designation soon. If designated as a "specified religious corporation," it will be obliged to notify the relevant country or prefecture one month before disposing of real estate, among other requirements. In addition, property inventories will need to be submitted every three months instead of the previous annual requirement. If there is a risk of property dispersion or concealment, it will be designated as a "specially designated religious corporation" with stricter regulations, but the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology has determined that this does not apply at the current stage. In the deliberations regarding the dissolution order for the religious group, a hearing was held on the 22nd of last month to hear opinions from both the government and the religious group.

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✅ 「指定宗教法人」への指定が、宗教法人審議会で了承されました。旧統一教会により、全国で組織的に行われてきた高額献金や霊感商法による被害の回復は十分になされていません。まずは財産の監視強化をはかることで、問題解決に向けて半歩前進といった感じです。


The designation of the Unification Church as a "specified religious corporation" has been approved by the Religious Corporation Deliberation Council. However, adequate restitution for the damages caused by the substantial donations and spiritual sales practices systematically carried out by the former Unification Church nationwide has not yet been achieved. Strengthening the monitoring of assets is a small step forward towards addressing the issues. It's worth noting whether the designation of a "specially designated religious corporation" will be pursued in the future.

Former followers and families of victims who may have been unable to take legal action against the religious group due to financial exploitation may now see a path to restitution with the enhancement of legal support services. Nevertheless, pursuing legal action against the church can impose significant emotional burdens. Therefore, ensuring the mental well-being of former followers and victimized families who seek restitution is a crucial aspect in resolving the issues surrounding the Unification Church.

✅ この指定方針の会議の様子がテレビで放映されたが、そこにおいて盛山氏が説明を行っている場面があった。
✅ 追い詰められた人の大事件や週刊誌にすっぱ抜かれたりして初めて公共の目に晒される前に、行政の専門部門は国民の安全な生活や財産を侵害している情報は耳にしているはずである。それが政治家や有力団体の圧力で長期間見過ごされたりすることがないようになって欲しい。問題が騒がれるようになってからここまで何十年かかったのかということ、最近目にする金融関係の顧客を軽視する行為の防止監督なども同様、行政機関の最低にして最大の存在価値である国民を守る仕事がされているのか?国民も厳しい目で見るべきでしょう。


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