




✅ ファストフードのバイトにも落ちる。「専業大家」、裕福で時間もたっぷりのはずが…節約生活・社会復帰不可の「引きこもり」の悲しい実態


■ 専業大家の悲しい実態



「うらやましい!」と思いましたか? でも、実際はそうではないのです。例をあげます。


あなたは、このような人になりたいですか? ですが、これが専業大家の現実なのです。

■ 不幸な専業大家が続出する理由














When you hear the term "full-time landlord," many people may envision a lifestyle of passive income and high earnings. Some may even aspire to become full-time landlords as part of their retirement asset building strategy. However, the reality seems far from the envy-inducing life it's perceived to be. In this article, we'll delve into the actual situation of full-time landlords, drawing insights from the book "Retirement Asset Building Method to Increase Annual Income by ¥1 Million from Your 50s" by Yoshinosuke Ebisu (published by Gokigen Business).

**The Sad Reality of Full-Time Landlords**

In the world of real estate investment, there's an allure to becoming a full-time landlord with multiple properties. Let's discuss the real-life experiences of full-time landlords.

The benefit of being a full-time landlord is the ability to live off rental income alone. With labor income replaced by passive income, there's no need to go to the office. Every day feels like Sunday, with plenty of free time and money flowing in effortlessly.

Did you think, "That sounds amazing!"? Well, the reality is quite different. Here are some examples:

- Feeling bored every day, with leisure losing its appeal, leading to a life that feels like killing time.
- Being idle while others are busy, resulting in loneliness and possibly depression due to lack of social interaction.
- Living under pressure to survive solely on rental income and significant debt, leading to a life of penny-pinching.
- Constantly worrying about money and its fluctuations.
- Choosing DIY projects over hiring professionals to save money.
- Feeling scared to spend money despite being wealthy.
- Holding a disdain for luxury and resenting others' indulgences.
- Using social media to vent frustrations and complaints due to excessive free time, leading to personal deterioration.
- Long-term isolation leading to difficulty reintegrating into society, even if one desires to pursue other careers.

Do you aspire to be like this? This is the reality of being a full-time landlord.

**The Reasons Behind the Unhappiness of Full-Time Landlords**

Naturally, rental income is maximized when all properties are occupied. However, income doesn't increase beyond that point and can only decrease due to vacancies or repairs. Even with substantial rental income, the lifestyle may still be below that of a salaried worker. Despite appearing affluent, many full-time landlords struggle with significant debt.

Moreover, relying on a single source of income leads to constant financial insecurity. While selling properties may alleviate debt, it also drastically reduces income, instilling fear in full-time landlords.

Transitioning from being tied to a company as an employee to being tied to properties and debt as a full-time landlord isn't true freedom.

Despite having ample money and time, the fear of financial insecurity prevents spending, leaving only excess time. This often leads to days filled with solitary activities like gaming, and sometimes even unsuccessful attempts at part-time jobs, such as fast-food positions.

The lifestyle of full-time landlords may seem like one with abundant time and money for leisure, but the inability to adapt to society and lack of respect from others can serve as a cautionary tale.

Focusing solely on money and free time leads to a misguided direction.

Real estate investment is merely a means to an end. The approach changes based on the desired lifestyle. What's important is defining the life you want to live.

Start by envisioning your ideal lifestyle and determining how much money and time you need to achieve it before embarking on real estate investment.

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✅ 個人で宅建業を営んでます。また同時に自ら買い取った物件で賃貸業もしていますが、こういう業態はいわゆる町の小さな不動産屋さんでは非常に多いと思います。基本的に一般に出回る収益物件はすでに業界内である程度知られてしまいますので、いい物件は不動産屋が買って自分で経営します。つまり一般に出回る物件はプロが買わなかったものです。また管理業は個人でやるのは大変です。緊急時は夜間や早朝、関係なく連絡きますし、何かあるかもとなかなか遠出はできません。休みもはっきりしません。そういう会社に任せるのも手ですが結局はこちらに連絡はきます。お金だけ数えて生活というわけにはなかなかいかないですよ。あと孤独死案件は精神的にこたえますね。私は支払いがおおむね終わったら最低限の軒数を残して売り払うつもりでいます。そこを考慮して投資するのは戸建借家のみです。一般の方が楽そうと安易に投資しないほうが賢明だと思いますね。
✅ 自営だけど、不動産賃貸と株もやってます
✅ ファストフードのバイトの面接も落ちる・・・驚きですがわかる気がします


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