
東電廃炉責任者 2024年は大きな年[2024.3.9]

東電廃炉責任者 2024年は大きな年



✅ 処理水放出「多くを達成」 デブリ取り出し「第一歩に」 東電廃炉責任者インタビュー・東日本大震災13年














As the 13th anniversary of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident approaches, Ono Akira, head of Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning Promotion Company, gave an interview by the 9th. Reflecting on various accomplishments, such as the start of ocean release of treated water containing tritium, he emphasized taking the first step towards retrieving melted nuclear fuel debris next fiscal year, particularly from Unit 2, steadily advancing the trial retrieval. Key exchanges are as follows:

- Ocean release of treated water has begun.

It is proceeding safely as planned. Ocean release is a long-term endeavor. We want to approach it with a sense of urgency while ensuring safety in facilities and operations, swift monitoring, and transparent information dissemination through the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

- Debris retrieval was postponed to October this year.

In short, it's an unprecedented endeavor worldwide. Due to high radiation levels preventing human approach, there's frustration in not being able to immediately reach out and correct issues.

- Troubles, such as worker contamination, have occurred frequently.

Since the troubled year of 2021, we have been working on anticipating risks and taking measures in advance. The continued occurrence of serious troubles amidst this is a point of reflection, indicating areas needing improvement.

- How do you view the decommissioning work over the past year?

It has been a year where various tasks, such as internal investigation of Unit 1 containment vessel and partial removal of (high-dose) pipes connecting Units 1 and 2, have been accomplished. The ocean release of treated water was an important step in considering the entire decommissioning process.

- What initiatives will be pursued in the next year?

It will likely be a year of advancing actual debris retrieval and deliberations for future large-scale retrievals. While it may not be labeled as the "year of fuel debris," it will be a significant year in terms of taking the first step forward.

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✅ 今年10月に予定されているデブリ取り出しは、以前、デブリを動かしたことのある釣り竿方式と同じ手法なので、成功すると思います。今までも、格納容器内から回収されたロボットに付いてきたウラン微粒子を調べて、情報を分析しています。今回は、サンプルした場所が特定される事が重要です。また、数グラムとはいえ、今までのウラン微粒子よりも多くの情報を得ることが期待され、デブリ取り出しが大きく進展します。

✅ 色んなニュースに埋もれてあまり報道もされなくなりましたが

✅ 取り出さなくてはならない燃料デブリの量は推定880トン


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