
ルワンダ虐殺30年 今も遺体捜す[2024.4.7]

ルワンダ虐殺30年 今も遺体捜す



✅ ルワンダ虐殺から30年、今も遺体探す家族ら






In the village of Ngoma in Rwanda, about 100 volunteers wearing masks and rubber gloves somberly dig into the red earth. Onlookers watch from the hillside where a house once stood, now revealing a mass of bones. Thirty years after the Rwandan genocide, many victims remain undiscovered. Skulls, teeth, and bone fragments are carefully placed in plastic bags, while scraps of shoes and clothing could provide clues to identify the missing. "The deeper we dig, the more layers of soil mixed with human remains we encounter," said Andre Kamana, deputy mayor of Huye district, with a grim expression. Survivors' group Ibuka stated that 210 bodies were found in a week of excavation at this site. In a banana plantation in the same village, 35 bodies were discovered. Volunteer Goless Uwankunda, 52, vowed to continue searching until all bodies are found. Thirty years after the genocide instigated by the extremist Hutu regime in 1994, mass graves are still being unearthed with alarming frequency. According to UN estimates, about 800,000 people, mainly Tutsis, were killed during the 100-day massacre from April to July of that year. In Ngoma, a three-hour drive from the capital Kigali, roads were blocked, and Tutsis were dragged from cars and killed, as recounted by Uwankunda. "The history of this village is terrifying. It's one of the mass grave sites where bodies were dumped," he told AFP. "Bodies were buried on top of bodies. Large bones and intact skeletons with no missing parts were also found." Five members of a family whose mass grave was found under a house were arrested on suspicion of involvement in the genocide and evidence tampering. The investigation began last October following a tip-off to the authorities. Naphtali Ahishakiye, Ibuka's representative, said, "The residents of that house may have known what was underneath. It was a family secret." This discovery has left neighboring residents terrified. Uwankunda said, "I know the families living here, and I'm shocked to learn that they were sleeping comfortably on top of the bodies every night." Families continue to search for bodies. Mass graves like these are still being discovered nationwide. In Rusizi district in the west, 1,100 bodies were found in a Catholic parish farm last April. In April 2020, a pit believed to contain 30,000 bodies was unearthed near a dam in the east. Six months later, 5,000 bodies were found in Gatsibo district. According to Ibuka, over 100,000 victims' remains have been excavated across the country in the past five years alone. Ahishakiye, Ibuka's representative, pointed out that the biggest problem is that those involved in the genocide and their relatives stubbornly keep the locations of mass graves secret. Celestin Kambanda, a farmer in Ngoma, lost seven children in the genocide, and none of their bodies have been found. He continues to search for them, hoping to find clues in clothing scraps and bone fragments buried in the mud. "I came here hoping to find even just one person. Maybe we can identify which child it is from the clothes they were wearing when they disappeared," he told AFP. "Someday, I want to give them a proper burial."

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✅ ツチ人とフツ人は同じ言語を話す民族だったわけですが、背が高い低い、牛の飼育頭数が多い少ないによって区分されていました。宗主国であったベルギーは、1935年にツチ人とフツ人を区別する身分証明書を発行し、支配階級であるツチ人を優遇する政策を採ります。


✅ 昔この辺りを旅したことがある。ウガンダからルワンダへ入国する時に隣で並んでいたお婆さんの指が無かった。1本じゃなくて右手全部。良く見ると手の甲と腕にも大きな傷跡が残ってた。あの信じられないような出来事が本当にあったのだと思い知らされた瞬間で、ショックを受けたのを覚えている。

✅ 虐殺で亡くなった方の遺体を探すことは、歴史を正しく把握する上でも重要。


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