
新年度 リスキリングどう始める?[2024.4.15]

新年度 リスキリングどう始める?



✅ 新年度、リスキリングどう始める? キャリアは「自分ごと」と考えて


◇歴史的な転換 「人的資本経営」

















April, the start of the new fiscal year, is a time when many people feel like starting something new. There's increasing interest in upskilling, with the government pledging to support it with 1 trillion yen over the next five years, but many people still hesitate to take the first step. How should they begin? I spoke to Professor Kensuke Tanaka (47) from the Faculty of Career Design at Hosei University, who specializes in career development. [Interviewer: Ryumei Michinaga]

◇ Historic Transformation: "Human Capital Management"

- Why is upskilling necessary?

Due to the decreasing labor force, companies are transitioning from viewing their workforce as merely a resource for management to considering them as investments to enhance value through "human capital management." This historic transformation is the primary reason. Upskilling initiatives are essential for maximizing the potential of employees, who are seen as investments, and are one of the engines of human capital management.

Companies increasingly want employees to take on new challenges as part of their duties. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, employees have also become more determined to enhance their own human capital. While upskilling often focuses on technical aspects, it should be seen as a societal mission. It's only natural for the government and the business community to support such initiatives.

- How should one start?

It's not about collectively relearning knowledge in the digital field or improving scores on exams. It's crucial to gain insight into societal changes and anticipate what skills will be needed next, then work continuously towards acquiring them.

Specifically, create a "medium-term career plan" similar to a company's medium-term management plan. By envisioning how to acquire new skills over the next three years, upskilling becomes your own project. I call this "career ownership." Just like owning property or a car, if you're the owner of your career, you won't let it be damaged by others. It's essential to make your career your own business. By reclaiming sovereignty over your career instead of leaving it to the organization and actively seeking to enhance your value, upskilling will begin.

One of the great things about upskilling is that it doesn't discriminate based on age, gender, or past job history.

- What are the key points?

Let go of biases like "I'm from a liberal arts background, so I can't do science." The longer you work, the more limited your abilities may seem, but reskilling in unrelated fields is also an option. The "Protean career," which is attracting attention as a career development concept, means being adaptable, so let's flexibly examine our future careers and take proactive steps.

Also, simply reevaluating what you've been doing so far is sufficient. Start by shortening a one-hour regular meeting to 30 minutes or getting off one station before your usual stop on your commute, and walk while observing the surroundings of the city or office.

- Surprisingly simple, isn't it?

While cherishing curiosity, plan to multiply growth areas. Take five minutes every two weeks to write down "How I want to be in three months." When verbalized, new challenges become achievable. At this time of year, try upskilling in at least one area by the end of Golden Week.

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✅ 個人としては、ここに書かれているように世の中の変化を見渡しながら、次に身につけたいスキルや成長の方向性を見定めて取り組んでいくということでも良いでしょう。
✅ 産業構造が激変する中、2023年から大手企業が大規模なリストラをスタートさせている。事業転換についてこられない社員は生き残れない時代になった。生き残りをかけて勉強するぐらいの気持ちが必要だ。


✅ リスキリングの注意点としては、「必要なものだから、そのスキルを学べ」と例えばDX人材になれみたいなことを、なかなか身につけにくい中高年にするのではなく、「その人の過去の経歴や得意分野を踏まえて、付け加えやすい&しかも役にたつスキルをきちんと選んで学ぶ」ということが重要ではないかと思います。





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