




✅ NHKが23年ぶりベア 若年層職員の離職対策、業務職平均月額6500円






It was revealed on the 16th that NHK will carry out a base-up (bear) for the first time in 23 years in October this year to raise its basic salary. Labor and management have reached an agreement to raise the basic salary of approximately 5,800 clerical staff (excluding management positions) by an average of 1.92%, or 6,500 yen per month. The portion equivalent to the treatment improvement from April to September will be paid as a lump sum, and the wage increase rate including regular salary increases will average 3.4%, or 11,500 yen per month.

According to NHK officials, in recent years, the issue of younger employees leaving their jobs has become a problem. This bear is focused on improving the treatment of younger employees, ranging from 5,000 to 9,000 yen per month. Retirement allowances and pension amounts will also increase in line with the increase in basic salary.

Due to the 10% reduction in subscription fees in October last year, NHK is expected to continue to run a deficit budget until fiscal 2028, and announced a reduction in business expenditures of around 100 billion yen in the medium-term management plan for fiscal 2026 to 2028. The NHK labor union, the Japan Broadcasting Labor Union (Nipponhodo), demanded a bear as compensation for the increased labor value through productivity improvements, content and technology development, and the establishment of sales methods that do not rely on visits, amid declining subscription fee revenues. Management expressed the view that the agreement amount was the "maximum response within the budget range."

In this year's spring wage negotiations, salary increases at various companies have followed against the backdrop of high prices, and Nipponhodo has stated that they also received a tailwind for wage increases.

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✅ 昔ならともかく、今の時代NHKはそんななくてはならないような必要不可欠な存在ではないです。他に民放やネットだってあるわけだし、何がなんでもNHKを存続さなければならない理由はないように思います。
✅ 国民もこれからどんどん生活が苦しくなって受信料なんてとても払えなくなると思います。そして国民も耐えかねて公共放送を廃止する方向に動くようになると思います。NHK職員の優秀な若手の皆様はきっとそうした未来を見越して活躍の場を他に求めるのでしょうね。とてもいいことだと思います。
✅ 昔はどの企業も年功序列で毎年給料が上がっていた。いつの間にか欧米のマネをして実力主義とか成果主義とか言って給料も人事考課も上がらなくなった。要は企業の経費削減の手法だと思う。結婚、出産、マイホーム等の人生設計が不可能な時代になったと思う。


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