




✅ 「あの倒れ方はやはりおかしい」 能登半島地震「五島屋ビル」が今も撤去されない理由


































「週刊新潮」2024年5月2・9日号 掲載


It's been almost four months since the Noto Peninsula earthquake, but the recovery has barely begun. After all, the notorious "Gotoya Building," which can be considered a symbol of devastation, still lies there untouched, its massive structure untouched. And the reason for that is...

Instead of recovery, even restoration is yet to come... Scenes that make you say that are spreading throughout present-day Wajima City. Many collapsed houses remain as they were, and the morning market, struck by a major fire, is now just a scene of ashes. The roads still have potholes, and nearly 1500 households are still without water.

The city is progressing with the removal of collapsed houses using public funds. According to the General Affairs Division,

"When it comes to completely or partially collapsed houses, if there is an application, the city arranges for a contractor and covers the full cost of removal."

■ Reasons for the slow progress in removal

However, for example, the "Gotoya Building," which has been widely covered by the media, remains collapsed after four months.

This 50-year-old, 7-story building, housing a longstanding Wajima lacquerware company, collapsed from the base due to the strong shaking of the magnitude 6 earthquake, crushing a nearby izakaya in the process. A tragic incident occurred where the owner's wife and 19-year-old daughter lost their lives.

"It's protruding onto a public road and has become a negative symbol of the disaster, so the city thinks it's best to remove the building sooner rather than later..."

says a Wajima city official.

"But there's no clear plan yet. The owner of Gotoya hasn't applied for removal. Because it collapsed on such a large scale, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism is currently investigating the cause. It seems that the owner isn't convinced why his building collapsed and is waiting for the investigation to finish."

That's the situation, according to the same city official.

"The 'Wajimanma' izakaya, which was crushed by the building, is not the owner of the site, but a tenant, so they have the right to be involved in the application process. There are still belongings left inside, and they're in discussion with Gotoya about the cause of the collapse, so they haven't received permission for removal yet."

says the same official.

However, it has recently been reported that Gotoya has applied for removal. But with these backgrounds in mind, the city is currently in a situation where they can't do anything but watch.

■ "Staying in the factory overnight..."

From a rational perspective, removing it promptly would be the best course of action. However, the parties involved each carry emotions that cannot be reasoned with.

To inquire about this, we requested an interview with the president of Gotoya, but were not granted one.

"There are certainly parts where he's not satisfied."

speaks a close friend of the president.

"There was an earthquake in Noto in 2007. Since then, the president has been concerned about the seismic resistance of the building and has undertaken work to bury the basement and strengthen the foundation. Since people have died, he strongly feels that we need to investigate why it collapsed properly. He's trying to rebuild the company while staying overnight at the factory."

■ "I can't help but think my wife and daughter died because of the building."

On the other hand,

"While we have received communication from the city, we have conveyed 'please wait a moment.'"

says Kenji Kusunoki, the owner of "Wajimanma." Kusunoki currently lives in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, but frequently returns to Noto to continue searching for belongings.

"There are mementos inside, and it will take a little more time to sort through them. But if the city demolishes it now, they'll just throw them away as garbage."

Kusunoki also expresses complicated feelings about Gotoya.

"Such a collapse is indeed strange. The top is intact while the bottom is broken. Even amateurs would have doubts when they see it, right? Maybe there's something wrong with the foundation. I do want to clarify that."

He says he once exchanged words with the president.

"It was around February. I was cleaning up at the site of the shop when he said 'I'm sorry,' and I couldn't help but say, 'What's the point now?' I didn't want to think that, but I can't help but think my wife and daughter died because of the building..."

■ "You can't just bounce back from that."

Kusunoki honestly shares his thoughts. Of course, the disaster has not yet ended for him.

"I lost my shop, my home, and, above all, my family. I had two people still alive in front of me, and I couldn't help them. You can't just bounce back from that. I think I'll live dragging this around for the rest of my life. I don't want to end the shop my wife and I built, so I want to reopen it someday in that area, but the locals haven't returned yet. That day is still far away..."

The earthquake took away the daily lives of many people in an instant. When will the collapsed Gotoya Building disappear? (Published in "Weekly Shincho" May 2 & 9, 2024 issue)

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✅ この倒壊の仕方はもはや耐震とかで片付ける問題じゃないし、なんなら建物の耐震強度はめちゃくちゃ高いんじゃないかと思うくらい。
✅ 阪神淡路大震災により神戸市内でもこのビルと同様の倒れ方をしたビルが一つあったが道路を塞いで邪魔だと倒れた初日に重機で大穴を開けられ、3日ほどで跡形も無くなった。
✅ 能登半島地震の象徴的な倒壊風景で、何度もメディアで取り上げられた。地震に耐えられなかった原因究明がなされていることはこの記事で初めて知った。耐震工事を済ませている建築物が何故倒壊したか?今後の耐震設計に影響する事柄だと思う。


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