
核ごみ文献調査 にじむ町長の熟慮[2024.5.10]

核ごみ文献調査 にじむ町長の熟慮



✅ 核のゴミ「文献調査」熟慮の受諾…佐賀県玄海町長「議論の呼び水に」「お金目的ではない」


■ 全員協議会は非公開


■ 議会は推進の意志









Regarding the "literature survey" for selecting a final disposal site for high-level radioactive waste (nuclear waste) from nuclear power plants, Genkai Town Mayor Shintaro Wakiyama revealed on the 10th that the conclusion was in line with the town council's inclination, which was "acceptance." Wakiyama, who had previously repeated a negative view on acceptance, stated, "The fact that the petition was adopted by the town council is very weighty." He hinted that it was a decision made after careful consideration.

■ Closed meeting of all members council

"The literature survey does not directly lead to the disposal site. I understand that residents may be concerned, but there will be no gradual process to make it a final disposal site." At around 11:30 a.m., Mayor Wakiyama, who held a press conference after the town council's all-members council meeting, emphasized this while explaining the reasons for acceptance in a straightforward manner.
This was the town's first statement as a nuclear power plant hosting municipality. Reflecting on the town's past efforts, he stated, "If it becomes a catalyst for finding a suitable site for the final disposal facility somewhere in Japan as discussions intensify nationwide,..." He also explained the town's financial situation and stated, "We are not accepting it for monetary reasons."
The all-members council meeting, which attracted attention to Mayor Wakiyama's decision, took the unusual step of prohibiting the press and residents from attending as observers.
Normally, it is at the discretion of the chairman to close the meeting, but this time, it was initially prepared for open viewing as it was a matter of interest to residents. However, it was later switched to a closed session for reasons such as "wanting to avoid confusion."

As a result, the automatic doors at the entrance of the council building were closed, and poles and bars restricting entry were installed in front of the staircase leading to the council building inside the town hall. Employees were stationed nearby and were busy dealing with people who arrived without knowing the situation.
The all-members council meeting started at 10 a.m. and ended in about 10 minutes. However, the content was not disclosed until Mayor Wakiyama's press conference began at 11:30 a.m.

■ The council expresses its willingness to promote

In April, the Genkai Town Council adopted a petition demanding acceptance of the literature survey by a vote of 6 in favor and 3 against, indicating a strong desire to promote it. Many of the supporters stated that they wanted to contribute to the advancement of the discussion on the selection of the disposal site.
Since 2002, the government has been soliciting candidate sites for the final disposal facility. However, the number of applications has been minimal, and currently, only two municipalities in Hokkaido are undergoing literature surveys.

A council member who voted in favor of the petition stated that they fully understood that there are high hurdles to actual construction of the final disposal site, such as most of the town area being classified as "areas where characteristics unfavorable for disposal sites are presumed" on the map provided by the government, and that governor's consent is required for surveys after the literature survey.
Nevertheless, they emphasized that raising their hand for the literature survey was important, and by adopting it, they had "fulfilled their role." They also positively viewed the classification of the region, saying that "other similar regions are more likely to raise their hands." Additionally, they mentioned, "It's okay to return the 2 billion yen granted by the government," emphasizing that the adoption this time was not for the sake of subsidies.

■ Opposition groups engage in protest activities

Residents who oppose the acceptance of the literature survey voiced their protests. In front of the council building, about 10 members of a group opposing the acceptance of the literature survey gathered, holding up banners stating "Social consensus formation is immature" and the like. The main entrance was closed, and council members entered through the back entrance.
Shomi Ishimaru (72), who resides in Saga City and is the representative of the "Group to Stop Genkai Nuclear Power Plant Pluthermal and All Bases through Trials Together," said, "I feel angry at the way they ignored the public opinion. We will continue to raise our voices to prevent the progression to the next step, the overview survey."

■ Most of the town has "unfavorable characteristics"

To indicate whether an area is suitable for the final disposal facility, the government divided the country into four colors in the "Scientific Characteristics Map" announced in 2017, indicating whether the area has favorable or unfavorable characteristics.

According to the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, most of Genkai Town is classified as an area with "presumed unfavorable characteristics," categorized as areas with the potential for future excavation of mineral resources such as coal and oil (silver). The Genkai Town Council's Special Committee on Nuclear Power Countermeasures, which deliberated on the petition, also discussed how to interpret this map.
The agency explains that since the map is based on nationwide data, it is not definitive in indicating characteristics, and the detailed situation of each region is not clear. The agency states that it is possible to conduct literature surveys by examining detailed survey contents such as materials summarizing the state of mineral resource deposits in the region.

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✅ 脱炭素社会を目指すとともに、大量の安定電源で産業発展に寄与するためには、原子力発電は必要な技術です。世界中で原子力発電所の活用が進められています。一方で、燃料が燃えた後には、大量の放射性物質ができます。時間とともにどんどん減っていくのですが、長い半減期を持つ放射性物質を集めた高レベル放射性廃棄物の処分が課題です。安定なガラス固化し、容器に入れ、さらに水を通さないベントナイトで固めます。安定な地層に埋めて、人類社会から、10万年程度隔離します。300mよりも深い地面の下はとても安定で、100万年単位で安定な場所がほとんどです。但し、断層や火山など、安定ではない場所もあるため、候補地が安定な場所かどうかを確認するために、じっくりと時間をかけて調査をしていきます。

✅ 核のゴミは、地下で10万年間外にもれないように保管しなくてはいけない。平安時代から現在までの時間が1000年なので、その100倍の年月が必要ということになる。

✅ 利害関係や政治的な判断があり、財政的にも潤うことは確かだと思う。

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