
報知が毎日の記事盗用 記者処分へ[2024.6.1]

報知が毎日の記事盗用 記者処分へ



✅ スポーツ報知、毎日新聞の寄稿記事を盗用 執筆記者を処分へ








Hochi Shimbun announced on the 1st that there had been plagiarism in the "Koshien 100-Year Story" series, which has been serialized on the Sports Hochi news site since April. This series included content taken from articles contributed by Professor Takeo Maruyama, Professor Emeritus of Mukogawa Women's University, to the Mainichi Shimbun. Some parts were also published in print. Hochi Shimbun stated that "a large portion was plagiarized" and has deleted the entire series, taking disciplinary action against the 51-year-old reporter from the Osaka headquarters editorial department who wrote the articles.

According to the company, in March, the reporter read Maruyama's contributions to the Mainichi Shimbun on the history of Hanshin Koshien Stadium and requested cooperation via email but began writing without interviewing Maruyama. The articles were almost identical in structure and contained passages exactly the same as those in Maruyama's contributions and past lectures, with little indication of citations.

Maruyama's contributions were published 24 times from April 2022 to March 2024 in the Hyogo edition of the Mainichi Shimbun under the title "Koshien Historical Journey."

The planning department of Hochi Shimbun said, "We take the fact that a large portion of the series was plagiarized very seriously. We apologize to Mr. Maruyama and the Mainichi Shimbun and will thoroughly work on preventing a recurrence."

The public relations unit of the president's office at the Mainichi Shimbun commented, "It is regrettable that manuscripts published in our newspaper were plagiarized."

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✅ 報知新聞のおわび記事によると、全文削除となった連載記事は16回分(うち紙面に掲載したのは2回分)。「丸山氏の寄稿などと構成が酷似し、表現が全く同じ箇所を含む記事」が掲載されたものの、「5月下旬、丸山氏から問題点を指摘されるまで、大阪本社編集局のデスクも盗用に気づくことができませんでした」とのことです。



✅ 報知新聞社の盗用問題、なんだかショックだね。記者が他人の研究や寄稿を盗用するなんて、ジャーナリズムの信用を大きく損なうよ。信頼できる情報源としての新聞の価値が下がると、読者としても困るし、正しい情報を求める人たちの期待を裏切る行為だと思う。しかも、甲子園の歴史みたいな重要なテーマでこんなことが起こるなんて、記者がしっかりと取材して、自分の言葉で記事を書くことが大事だと改めて感じるね。
✅ 他社やお役所、政治家なんかで不祥事があった際には、組織の責任まで問いますよね。



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