




✅ 「WHOから命をまもる国民運動大決起集会」にてパンデミック条約に反対する理由

5月31日、 東京・日比谷で「WHOから命をまもる国民運動大決起集会」が始まった。



 全国から 日比谷公園大音楽堂(通称・野音)に集まった人々が厚生労働省のある霞が関の方角に顔を向けて叫ぶ。







On May 31, the "National Movement to Protect Lives from the WHO" rally began in Hibiya, Tokyo.

"Japanese government, demand the dismissal of WHO Director-General Tedros!"

"Decide to withdraw from the WHO in a Cabinet meeting!"

Facing the direction of Kasumigaseki, where the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is located, people gathered at the Hibiya Park Great Music Hall (commonly known as Yaon) shouted.

The purpose of the rally was to "protect the lives of the citizens from the Japanese government’s blind faith in the WHO." It was led by a group opposing the COVID-19 vaccine.

At the same time, in Switzerland, the WHO Assembly was being held, discussing the creation of a pandemic treaty to establish measures for the prevention and response to global infectious disease outbreaks.

Participants of the rally believe that the COVID-19 vaccine is "poison." They claim that by creating a pandemic treaty and amending the International Health Regulations to establish response procedures in case of a declared emergency, the WHO aims to "bind the member states’ hands and enforce mandatory vaccinations," and that "Japan’s sovereignty will be infringed upon, and its health policies will be placed under the control of the WHO."

The WHO has denied these claims, stating that it "will not enforce mandatory vaccinations." Moreover, even if the International Health Regulations are amended, member states will legislate and implement policies based on their own health policies, so they will not lose their sovereignty.

The WHO aims to learn from the COVID-19 pandemic to prepare for the next one, by distributing medical supplies, including vaccines, more equitably to developing countries, and ensuring that countries experiencing an outbreak share information with the WHO immediately and receive necessary support.

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