




✅ 「ミューオン」再加速に成功 透過素粒子、構造物調査で活用 標準理論検証も・高エネ研など









A research group including the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has successfully cooled and re-accelerated muons, a type of subatomic particle, at the J-PARC Center in Tokai Village, Ibaraki Prefecture. This is the first time in the world that such a feat has been achieved. This success is expected to contribute to the verification of the Standard Model of particle physics, which explains the behavior of fundamental particles, as well as improve the accuracy of internal inspections of large structures currently in use.

Muons have a very high ability to penetrate matter, capable of passing through rock several kilometers thick. However, the number of particles that penetrate decreases with higher density materials, allowing the visualization of density distributions within the ground or large structures by examining the direction and number of incoming particles. Despite this, muons have an extremely short lifespan, and aligning their speed and direction has been challenging.

The research group produced muons traveling at about 30% of the speed of light using an accelerator. They passed these muons through a sponge-like insulating material called silica aerogel and then used laser irradiation to cool them, bringing them to an almost stationary state. Subsequently, they successfully re-accelerated the muons to about 4% of the speed of light.

Since the re-accelerated muons from a stationary state have aligned speed and direction, the accuracy in identifying the shapes of penetrated materials is improved. This advancement is expected to be applied in more detailed internal inspections of structures and the development of more precise microscopes.

Furthermore, there is potential for this technology to unlock mysteries of physical phenomena that the current Standard Model cannot explain.

The research team plans to develop technology to re-accelerate muons to approximately 94% of the speed of light, aiming for completion by 2028.

Professor Tsutomu Mibe of KEK, who leads the research, stated, "With this achievement, we can say we have taken the first step towards developing the world's only microscope using muons."

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✅ ピラミッドの中に新しい秘密の部屋があることを発見したのはミューオン、電波の届かない地下でGPS以上に精密な測位ができることを実証したのもミューオン。
✅ これ、すごいのは一旦止めてるからエネルギーの揃った加速粒子ビームが作れるところなんですよね。止めなくていいならずっとエネルギーも量も多いミューオンを作れますけど、それだとエネルギーが揃ってないから精密測定に向かない。
✅ この研究は、非常に重要。ミューオンは、宇宙線としても絶えず地球へも降り注いでおり、半導体内部をも透過してしまうので、半導体内の計算をビットレベルで、誤差を引き起こすことも指摘されています。



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