




✅ 初任給バブル「賃金の若手シフト?」子育て世代の嘆き






































Amid a labor shortage, companies are increasingly raising starting salaries for new graduates. The 2024 spring labor negotiations resulted in the highest wage increase rate in 32 years, with companies reallocating wage increase resources to focus on new graduates and young employees. Consequently, this has led to a reduction in allocations for the child-rearing generation in their 40s, who face higher expenses for education and housing. (Seiichi Watanabe, Mainichi Shimbun Economic Premium)

### "30,000 Yen Starting Salary" as a Benchmark

There is a noticeable trend of increasing starting salaries for new graduates. According to a survey published in April by the private think tank Sanro Research Institute (interim results), the average monthly starting salary for new university graduates entering the workforce in April 2024 is 226,341 yen, a 4.01% increase from the previous year, the highest since 1991 (5.2%). The most cited reason for the increase (multiple answers allowed) is "to secure human resources."

In a survey of job offers for university graduates published in April by Recruit Works Institute, nearly half (49.1%) of the companies responded that starting salaries for April 2024 entrants would be higher than the previous year.

By industry, manufacturing (55.2%) and finance (54.3%) showed high rates of salary increases, and by company size, large corporations with over 5,000 employees (56.0%) also showed high rates of increase.

According to surveys by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the Tokyo Labour Bureau, the starting salary for university graduates has remained around 200,000 to 210,000 yen for the past 30 years, with little variation between companies. However, since 2022, companies like CyberAgent and Fast Retailing have significantly raised starting salaries, drawing attention.

For April 2024 entrants, even traditional companies are showing a trend of significant increases. NTT Group, Dai-ichi Life Holdings, and Haseko Corporation, among others, have set starting salaries at over 300,000 yen per month.

Starting salaries tend to converge within industries due to competition in the new graduate recruitment market. Going forward, "30,000 yen starting salary" might be recognized as a benchmark.

Moreover, even companies like Tokyo Gas, which have not reached 300,000 yen, have shown high increases of around 20% from the previous year.

Such trends are being referred to as the "starting salary bubble."

### The "Focused Allocation Method" of Base Pay Increases

In corporate wage policies, raising starting salaries is closely linked with increasing existing employees' wages.

Wage increases consist of "base pay increases (base-up)" that raise the level of basic pay and "regular pay raises" that are periodically increased based on years of service and evaluations.

Starting salaries are particularly closely related to base pay increases.

Simply raising starting salaries can result in new employees' salaries being the same as or even higher than those of young employees in their 20s, which can lead to decreased motivation and turnover among young employees. Therefore, adjustments involving base pay increases are essential. Conversely, when implementing base pay increases, raising starting salaries is usually involved.

Base pay increases often involve revising the "wage table," which determines basic pay based on job grade and years of service. This can include uniform fixed-amount increases, uniform fixed-rate increases, or focused allocation methods that prioritize raising wages for specific grades or positions.

In the past, uniform allocation was standard, but recently, there has been a trend toward focused allocation methods to use limited wage increase resources effectively.

The seniority-based wage system is a feature of Japanese employment practices. When graphed, wage levels by years of service form a "wage curve" that peaks in the 50s.

Over the past 30 years, wage differences based on years of service have been shrinking through revisions of the wage table. Comparing the wage curves of 2022 with those of 1995 from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's "Basic Survey on Wage Structure," the peaks have become more moderate.

Additionally, a survey by Keidanren on personnel and labor practices shows that while about half of the companies use uniform fixed-amount allocation for base pay increases, the percentage of companies that focus on the younger generation up to around 30 years old increased from 24.4% in 2016 to 30.2% in 2023.

In contrast, the percentage focusing on the child-rearing generation up to around 45 years old decreased from 5.2% to 0.4%, and for veterans around 45 years old and above, it decreased from 1.9% to 1.1%.

This shift is also driven by the growing labor shortage. The job market for new graduates has become a seller's market, and job-hopping is becoming more common among those in their 20s. Companies are being compelled to improve treatment for young employees to show advantageous conditions in the competition for talent.

The 2024 spring labor negotiations resulted in the highest wage increase rate in 33 years. According to the sixth round of responses compiled by Rengo on June 5, the average wage increase rate for regular employees (base-up plus regular pay raises) was 5.08%, the highest since 1991 (5.66%).

In their mid-term summary, Rengo noted that amidst continuing high prices, expectations for wage increases were high, and competition among companies for employee retention, including among small and medium-sized enterprises, intensified due to labor shortages.

Examining individual companies' wage policies, many explained that they allocated more resources to increasing wages for young employees and raising starting salaries. The wage increase rate is not necessarily uniform for all employees. The generous treatment of employees in their 20s might result in disadvantages for the child-rearing generation.

Rengo's think tank, the Rengo Research Institute, conducts the "Workers' Short-Term Survey" twice a year, asking company employees about their work and living conditions. According to the latest survey in April 2024, 48.9% of those in their 20s, the lowest percentage by age group, felt that "wage increases were smaller than price increases" compared to a year ago, while the percentages were higher for those in their 40s (59.6%) and 50s (71.2%).

### Attention to Handling of Fixed Overtime Pay

Amid the starting salary bubble, job-seeking students are increasingly focusing on starting salaries when choosing companies.

In a survey conducted by Mynavi from October 2023 to March 2024 on third-year university students, 23.6% listed "companies with good salaries" as a priority, increasing for the third consecutive year. Mynavi attributed this to economic concerns due to high prices and the effects of increased starting salaries and wage increases.

However, there are points to be aware of when interpreting the starting salaries presented by companies.

First, starting salaries listed in job postings may include "fixed overtime pay."

Fixed overtime pay, also known as "deemed overtime," is a system where a fixed amount of overtime pay is paid monthly regardless of whether or not the employee worked overtime. For example, if a company sets fixed overtime pay for 20 hours per month, it pays for 20 hours of overtime even if the actual overtime is only 10 hours.

Including fixed overtime pay in starting salaries can inflate the amount, making it appear higher.

Due to frequent misunderstandings and disputes among job-seeking students regarding fixed overtime pay, guidelines were introduced under the Youth Employment Promotion Act in 2015. If fixed overtime pay is included, companies must clearly indicate the basic pay excluding fixed overtime pay, the number of hours of fixed overtime pay, and the handling of overtime beyond the fixed hours.

Additionally, companies with annual salary systems that distribute the annual amount on a monthly basis must clarify whether the bonus amount is included or separate.

Many companies showing high starting salaries include fixed overtime pay or adopt annual salary systems. It is important not to be misled by the surface amount alone.

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✅ 確かにいまの若い人の給与を巡っては20歳代への求人が急増しており、その世代の給与や待遇が急激に改善しています。一方でこの記事にある通り、それよりも上の世代には恩恵が少なくなっている傾向もあります。会社として若い人も必要なのも分かりますが、少子化で若い人の数がこれからそう増えないなか、40歳代以上も大事にしなければ雇用が確保できない時代になる可能性もあります。人事戦略としてそうした視点も重要です。
✅ 企業の報酬の原資には当然ながら限界があります。現在の日本はリーマンショックを超えて、25ヶ月連続で実質賃金が前年同月比よりマイナスとなっており、けして潤沢な報酬原資があるわけではありません。


✅ 「バブル」という表現をどんなニュアンスで使っているのだろう?賃上げにも種類がある。初任給を上げるだけでなく、根本的な給与体系やインセンティブのあり方、さらには役職のあり方、ジョブ型への移行などを含め検討し、導入している。初任給だけの話ではない。バブルというくくりは雑である。





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