




✅ ブームのおにぎり店に汗だくで「1時間以上」並んだけど、列の一番前が「代行サービス」の業者さんでした。いまどき行列代行サービスを使うのは普通なのでしょうか?




















In popular shops like trendy onigiri stores, it’s not uncommon to see long lines, and sometimes you may have to wait for hours to purchase their products.

Recently, you might have noticed people using line-waiting services in such situations.

At times like these, you might think, “I’m jealous that they don’t have to wait in line themselves,” or “Is it okay for someone else to wait in line for them?”

This article will introduce when you can use line-waiting services, the average cost of these services, and potential issues that may arise from using them. Can you only buy a ¥600 onigiri by waiting in line?

A few years ago, there was an onigiri boom in Japan, leading to an increase in onigiri specialty shops across the country. Now, onigiri is also gaining attention overseas, and the boom is reviving in Japan.

Some onigiri specialty shops sell onigiri for as much as ¥600 each, leading to long lines. At these popular stores, it may take hours of waiting to purchase their products.

When can you use a line-waiting service?

In such situations, people who don’t want to or cannot wait in line might use a line-waiting service. As the name suggests, a line-waiting service involves hiring someone to wait in line for you when you need to wait to buy a product.

There are various reasons to use a line-waiting service, such as difficulty waiting in line due to physical disabilities or work commitments. Besides waiting in line at popular stores, these services are also used for reserving spots at fireworks displays or obtaining tickets at events.

What is the average cost of a line-waiting service?

The cost of a line-waiting service varies depending on the provider. For example, some charge around ¥3,300 per trip plus an hourly rate starting at ¥3,300, while others might charge ¥3,000 per hour (with the first hour costing ¥5,000). It’s important to check the details when choosing a service.

Some providers might charge extra for early morning or late-night services. It’s advisable to consult in advance and get a free estimate from the service provider.

What are the potential issues with using a line-waiting service?

Line-waiting services are not regulated by law, so the services themselves are not illegal. However, there are cases where using these services can lead to problems or disputes, so it’s important to be aware of these in advance.

For example, issues may arise if the store or facility prohibits lining up or reserving spots, if people are waiting in prohibited areas, or if only the actual customer is allowed to wait in line.

Some line-waiting services include notes advising clients to check if place-holding activities are prohibited at the store or facility, so it’s a good idea to verify this in advance.

The act of a line-waiting service standing in line at a popular store is not considered illegal.

When using a popular store where you might have to wait in line for hours to purchase a product, you might encounter a situation where the person ahead of you is a line-waiting service provider.

There are no laws specifically regulating line-waiting services, and since clients are paying for these services, there is generally no issue with a line-waiting service standing in line.

However, problems can arise if the store prohibits waiting in line, so it’s important to confirm these details carefully.

Author: FINANCIAL FIELD Editorial Team

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✅ 行列代行と代表待ちは別

✅ ガンプラが品薄で行列しないと買えなくなり始めた頃にボロボロの服でヒゲも髪の毛も伸び放題の人たちが行列の中に何人か混じるようになりました。
✅ そんなに並ばなかった頃によく通ってました。個人的に言うとここのおにぎりは大きいしとにかく美味しかった。




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