




✅ 「壮絶な戦いになる」角川歴彦元会長、国賠訴訟について会見「拘置所の中で涙を流すこともあった」





























On June 27, Tsuguhiko Kadokawa (80), the former chairman of the major publishing company KADOKAWA, who was arrested and indicted over the Tokyo Olympics bribery scandal and detained for 226 days, filed a state compensation lawsuit with the Tokyo District Court, seeking 220 million yen from the government. He aims to challenge the issue of "hostage justice," where long-term detention is used to extract confessions.

Kadokawa argues that prosecutors and the court, by denying bail, violated his constitutional and international human rights, specifically his "personal liberty," creating a chilling effect on the ability to contest innocence in criminal trials and fostering wrongful convictions.

At a press conference that day, Kadokawa stated, "It is said this will be a long and fierce battle. I want the court to squarely address the issue of hostage justice. I hope for a groundbreaking result from this trial." He expressed his commitment to fight this battle for the rest of his life.

**● Told by a doctor: "You will not leave the detention center alive"**

According to the complaint, Kadokawa was arrested on September 14, 2022, by the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office's Special Investigation Department on suspicion of bribing a former director of the Olympic organizing committee and subsequently indicted. Despite consistently denying the charges, his repeated requests for bail were opposed by prosecutors and continually denied by the court, citing "sufficient grounds to suspect he would destroy evidence."

Kadokawa, who has pre-existing conditions including arrhythmia, contracted COVID-19 and experienced health issues in the detention center. His primary doctor warned that his condition could be fatal, but he claims he could not receive appropriate treatment in the detention center, putting his life at risk.

Kadokawa stated that a detention center doctor told him, "You will not leave here alive. You will only leave if you die."

Kadokawa's side argues that unless there is a "clear and imminent danger" of evidence destruction or a significant health risk, physical restraint should not be allowed. They also claim that investigative agencies actively use hostage justice, leading to wrongful convictions.

Hiroaki Murayama, a former judge and lead lawyer for Kadokawa’s defense team, said, "Kadokawa was deprived of his freedom, centered on personal liberty, and pushed to the brink of death. His dignity was violated. He filed the lawsuit questioning if such criminal justice is acceptable."

The purpose of this lawsuit is to scrutinize hostage justice, which has faced international criticism, and to demand systemic and operational reforms. Although they are claiming 200 million yen in damages, if awarded, they plan to donate the amount to improve medical care in detention centers.

**● Kadokawa: "A separate world exists within a major city"**

Kadokawa reflected, "I felt like I was being tortured."

"I experienced firsthand that within Tokyo, there is a completely isolated separate world called the Tokyo Detention Center."

"Anyone who has been in police custody or the Tokyo Detention Center must have had the same experience."

"I even shed tears during those 226 days."

Acknowledging that many people have likely endured the humiliating experience of physical detention, Kadokawa stressed, "This is not just about others; it is a significant risk that I want everyone to recognize."

In the Daikouwa Chemical Machinery incident, another case spotlighting hostage justice, the detained Shizuo Aijima died while in custody.

"My heart breaks. Aijima experienced the same ordeal and died. I survived and feel obligated to share this with everyone. I want to change Japan."

Shinobu Yamagishi, the former president of Pressance Corporation in Osaka, who was wrongfully accused and acquitted after being arrested and indicted by the Osaka District Prosecutors Office's Special Investigation Department, also supported Kadokawa’s lawsuit. Reflecting on his own prolonged detention, he remarked, "Prosecutors blatantly abuse the hostage justice system."

**⚫︎ For those who have never been detained, "it could happen to anyone"**

Japan's "hostage justice" has been internationally criticized as being "medieval." According to the defense team, this is the first lawsuit in Japan challenging hostage justice.

Criminal justice issues can be hard for people unconnected with such cases to perceive as personal matters. However, the defense team emphasized that it is a relatable issue for everyone, "It could happen to anyone tomorrow."

Lawyer Murayama points out that the aim of this lawsuit is to make it a general understanding in society how significant it is for an individual to be detained.

"Nowadays, people aren't surprised when they hear news of an arrest. If this lawsuit leads to an understanding of how significant and serious detention is, and to better operational and interpretive practices, people will realize the importance of personal liberty. It is a close-to-home issue for everyone."

"Anyone can get involved in a case. If that happens, you should be able to say you didn't do it and exercise your right to remain silent. This lawsuit has significance in striving for a society where people understand this risk. Even those who have never experienced it carry this risk. The trial is meaningful for a society without such risks," said lawyer Ryutaro Ogawa.

"In other countries, people arrested for serious crimes are released the next day and can speak their opinions freely. This is normal. In Japan, if you admit to the charges, you can get bail in a few days, but if you deny them, you can't get out. Such a society is unthinkable in a civilized democracy. I hope this lawsuit makes people realize they could face the same fate," added lawyer Yuichi Kaido.

Alongside the lawsuit filing, an application was submitted to the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.

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✅ 「あなたは生きている間はここから出られませんよ。死なないと出られないんです」



✅ 角川さんの事件についてはいろいろと批判があるが、この人質司法の訴えについては、その通りだと思う。検察側の犯罪の指摘に同意しないと、なかなか保釈が認められない。拘置所を早く出たいばかりにウソをつく冤罪の種になりかねない。国際水準に改めるべき。
✅ 確かに大谷翔平の通訳があれだけの金額を銀行詐欺を交えて明確に犯し量刑が決まる前に保釈されています。野に放したら危険な人物以外は自白のある無しに関係なく推定無罪の原則で一通りの捜査が終われば保釈が望ましい。


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