




✅ 役職定年まであと2年弱…銀行のシステムセンター所長を務める58歳男性が「保育士」の資格をとった驚きの理由

定年や役職定年を間近に控え、「定年後のキャリア」について悩んでいる人も多いでしょう。『おじさんの定年前の準備、定年後のスタート 今こそプロティアン・ライフキャリア実践!』(総合法令出版)著者の金澤美冬氏が、そんな「役職定年を控えるサラリーマン」にインタビューを行いました。本書より、銀行のシステムセンターで所長を務める58歳男性のケースをみていきましょう。





















■ 「電気工事士」と「保育士」…現職とは無関係の2資格を取得したワケ


















■ インタビューを通じて筆者が感じたこと



実際、私が自己紹介で「おじさん専門のライフキャリアコンサルタントをしている」と言うと、「おじさんはプライド高いから大変でしょう? 過去の肩書をひけらかすんでしょう?」などと言われることもあります。



With retirement and reaching the end of their careers approaching, many people are concerned about their "post-retirement career." Mifuyu Kanazawa, author of "Preparation for Retirement and Starting Anew: Time to Practice Protean Life Career!" (Sogo-Horei Publishing), interviewed such "salarymen facing retirement from their positions." Let's look at the case of a 58-year-old man who is the head of a bank's system center from the book.

After retirement, he wants a job where he can feel he is contributing to society.
— Jiisan (58 years old, two years to retirement from his position, seven years to retirement)

Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1962. Graduated from a science and engineering university.

In the 1980s when he graduated from university, information processing and system development were cutting-edge jobs. However, without a university recommendation and with limited new graduate employment, he joined a subsidiary of a major bank involved in system development instead of the electronic manufacturer he had hoped for.

Since then, after several job changes and experiencing various departments such as compliance oversight, he is now the head of a bank's system center.

In his private life, he has participated in an amateur radio club and a park conservation association, but these activities diminished with his solo assignments, and now he has almost no friends outside of work. He wants to try various jobs after retirement instead of system development.

His family includes his wife, eldest daughter, and second daughter. On holidays, he often goes cycling with his wife, which is a hobby of his.

He has qualifications as a nursery teacher and an electrician. He passed the Information Processing Safety Assurance Support Specialist Exam on his fourth attempt and has passed one of the four subjects of the Electrical Chief Engineer Qualification Exam. He plans to obtain the remaining three subjects within two years.

— Currently, you are the head of a bank's system center.

Jiisan: Yes. At the bank I work for, those close to retirement often take this position, and I followed this tradition to become the head. I have just under two years until retirement from my position and just under seven years until retirement. Many people who wish to continue working leave midway.

— Why is that?

Jiisan: Because continuing employment significantly lowers their salary. Furthermore, many people around 62 or 63 years old earn wages comparable to part-time jobs. However, few colleagues are seriously considering career changes or starting their own businesses after retirement.

— Do you have opportunities to discuss such future topics with colleagues?

Jiisan: It's not that we don't talk at all, but I don't talk to many people. I've heard from some people saying things like, "I still have a mortgage, so I want to use my retirement money to pay off the remaining balance and then do another job."

Financial Issues Post-Retirement

— "Mortgages" and other financial issues seem like significant barriers to post-retirement life.

Jiisan: I rent, so I don't have a mortgage issue, but I still worry about how to manage money after retirement.

I have many things I want to do after retirement. It sounds fun to juggle multiple jobs, and I'd like to try a job where I can give tourist guides while cycling, which is my hobby. When I was younger, I thought, "I want to live without working after retirement," but now at this age, I think, "I want to try various jobs."

However, the obstacle here is "money." Even though I rent, a substantial amount goes out every month, so I think, "I have to earn a decent amount." Currently, I'm very indecisive and feel like I'm "exploring."

■ Why I Obtained Two Qualifications Unrelated to My Current Job as an Electrician and a Nursery Teacher

— It seems you are actively looking outside the company, and you have multiple qualifications.

Jiisan: Initially, I didn't have them, but depending on the department transfer at the bank, I was made to acquire specialized qualifications.

To be honest, it felt like "I have no choice but to study and get it," but it also made me realize something. "If I'm going to do it, I should get qualifications that might be useful to me after retirement." That's why I obtained qualifications unrelated to my current job, like an electrician and a nursery teacher.

Electrician and Nursery Teacher: Feeling a Sense of "Usefulness"

— The electrician and nursery teacher qualifications seem unrelated. Why did you get these two?

Jiisan: I got the electrician qualification because I enjoyed doing electrical work as a part-time job in high school and wanted to try it again.

As for the nursery teacher, I thought it would give me a direct response from children and parents, allowing me to feel a sense of "usefulness." In terms of feeling a sense of "usefulness," I don't see the electrician and nursery teacher as that different.

— What do you mean?

Jiisan: In electrical work, after finishing a job, something becomes usable. The feeling of "being useful" at that moment is the same as the job of a nursery teacher I mentioned earlier.

In the system development work I've done at the bank so far, the focus is just on "completing the project," and explaining the situation to superiors and management is the main task. I don't feel a sense of "how it is useful to society."

■ Salarymen Find It Hard to Feel a Sense of "Usefulness"

— Certainly, I think the system development work you've done at the bank has a high level of social contribution, but you don't get personal "responses"?

Jiisan: Exactly. I think all salarymen are the same, but even if you complete a job, the feedback you get is at most "your bonus increased." You don't actually hear "Thank you!" or "You were helpful!"

Also, in system development, unlike construction where you can say, "I built a bridge," you don't leave a tangible legacy. Even if you develop an innovative system, it rarely gets highlighted.

On the other hand, if you fail, you are immediately criticized, which often happens in system development. So, I want to leave this kind of work before retirement and find a job where I can feel a sense of "usefulness" after retirement, without being bound by the company.

As a side note, I went to a nursery school for practical training to get the nursery teacher qualification. Initially, I thought the children might be wary of an old man coming, but they were curious about seeing someone new, and everyone gathered around me.

There was even a girl who wouldn't let go of my hand, and I thought, "I've never been this popular in my life" (laughs). I vaguely think it would be nice to have a job after retirement where I can feel such a sense of accomplishment.

■ What the Author Felt Through the Interview

It seems that "feeling direct gratitude from people and understanding how you are contributing to society" will be a key point in Jiisan's activities after retirement. Conversely, I felt deeply moved by how well he has managed to come this far. I believe many salarymen have felt similarly to some extent, and my desire to support them has only grown stronger.

When you hear the title "manager of a bank system," you might imagine someone who is arrogant.

In fact, when I introduce myself as a "life career consultant specializing in middle-aged men," people sometimes say, "Middle-aged men have high pride and are tough to deal with, right? They flaunt their past titles, don't they?"

But I haven't met anyone like that around me. Jiisan is funny and comforting. I can understand why he is popular with the children in the nursery.

Personality is important, and good people are naturally supported by others. I think one of the anxieties of retirement, "loneliness," will also be mitigated.

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✅ 私も大手商社の役員をやっていましたが


✅ 一時期資格予備校の受験生&講師をやりましたが、資格を取る事まではある程度学歴や社会的地位のある人ならば年齢や資格の難易度を問わずそこまで難しいことではないです。


✅ 私も銀行に37年間勤務し、定年を前に退職しました。社会貢献がしたいという思いです。この方の気持ち、自分の気持ちの代弁のように感じました。ご活躍を。私も頑張ります️。


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