
対ドル円相場急騰 市場は疑心暗鬼[2024.7.15]

対ドル円相場急騰 市場は疑心暗鬼



✅ 円急騰、一時1ドル157円台前半に急伸 「再介入も」と疑心暗鬼






On the 12th, the yen-dollar exchange rate surged again in the New York foreign exchange market, temporarily reaching the mid-157 yen range per dollar, a high for the yen and a low for the dollar not seen since mid-June, about three weeks ago. The government and the Bank of Japan surprised the market the previous day by intervening in the foreign exchange market for the first time in about two months by buying yen and selling dollars. This move stirred uncertainty and speculation about further interventions.

The exchange rate had been hovering around 159 yen per dollar since the start of trading, but immediately after the release of U.S. economic indicators related to inflation in June, the yen strengthened by more than one yen. The yen further appreciated by nearly one yen right after the release of U.S. consumer-related economic indicators, ending the trading day in the upper 157 yen range.

On the 11th, the government and the Bank of Japan are believed to have conducted a foreign exchange intervention worth about 3.5 trillion yen, buying yen and selling dollars, immediately after the release of the U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) for June.

Regarding the sharp rise in the yen in the New York foreign exchange market on the 12th, Masato Kanda, the Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs, responded to reporters at the Ministry of Finance early on the morning of the 13th Japan time, stating, "I have no comment on whether there was intervention (in the foreign exchange market)."

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✅ 昔からある介入方法だと単なる買い場になることが多いので、その意味では成功してると思う。利益を上げるという点を除いて、財務省のやってることはめちゃくちゃ優秀なヘッジファンドみたい。しかも莫大な資産を使ってのチートで相場を疑心暗鬼にさせ、押し目買いによる円安の進行をなるべく遅らせるという目的では上手と思う。ただし、大きな流れはアメリカの利下げがどうなるか次第だと思います。
✅ 11日の円高が介入だとしたら、指標に合わせてぶん投げてくるスタイルになる

✅ 米ドルに対して円だけが極端に強くなったので政府の介入なのは明白。財務官が色々な言い方でメッセージを発して市場を動揺させていて意図的にこのよう言い方をして米ドル円の買いポジションへの過熱感を冷ますつもりでしょうね。もう退任なので思いっきり好きなようにやったる感が出ていて財務官はなかなかのキャラクターだと思いましたね。長年のご奉仕お疲れ様です


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