




✅ 新型コロナめぐる分断と格差、政治と科学を振り返る…アンソニー・ファウチ博士インタビュー








■ ――コロナのパンデミックはどんな教訓を残したか。






■ データ・証拠に基づき真実に迫る過程が科学








Dr. Anthony Fauci, who led the response to the COVID-19 pandemic under both the Trump and Biden administrations, gave an interview to Yomiuri Shimbun. Reflecting on the pandemic, Dr. Fauci stated, "It was an infectious disease that required a unified national response, but this was not possible in a divided America."

Dr. Fauci has been the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, specializing in infectious diseases. He retired from his positions as director and chief medical advisor last December. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, he was known for his daily press briefings explaining the virus and necessary measures, earning the title of "America's most prominent scientist."

The interview with Dr. Fauci was conducted online on the 10th. The main points are as follows:

**Q: The World Health Organization (WHO) lifted the "Public Health Emergency of International Concern" for COVID-19 on the 5th, and the U.S. will end its "public health emergency" on the 11th. Is this a reasonable decision?**

"A: First, I want to point out that the pandemic is not completely over. In the U.S., about 150 people are still dying each day. This is not an acceptable number. However, compared to one or two years ago, the situation in the U.S. and the world has improved significantly. The need for a state of emergency has diminished. Nevertheless, just as various variants have emerged over the past three years, there is the potential for a surge in infections from new variants, so we must remain prepared."

**Q: Over 1.1 million people have died from COVID-19 in the U.S. Why has the situation become so dire?**

"A: The U.S. has 50 states and was very fragmented, unable to take a unified approach. Some states recommended vaccinations and mask-wearing, while others did not. Additionally, there was a significant disparity in healthcare, with many social minorities unable to receive necessary care, leading to high hospitalization and death rates among them. Although we developed a safe and effective vaccine at a record pace, we were not able to fully utilize it. We also lacked a system for immediate sharing of information on virus variants within the country. Despite being a wealthy country, the U.S. had significant weaknesses in public health."

**Q: What lessons has the COVID-19 pandemic taught us?**

"A: There have been many lessons. It is impossible to predict exactly what will happen. To handle a pandemic, we must anticipate the 'unexpected.' For instance, initially, we thought the virus would spread like existing respiratory infections, but it was full of surprises, with variants emerging one after another and transmission occurring from asymptomatic individuals. Additionally, it became clear that serious infectious diseases require a united national response. The disjointed response in the U.S. is something we must reflect on."

**Q: How do you evaluate Japan's response to COVID-19?**

"A: Compared to other advanced countries with similar economic power, Japan has done well. A large proportion of the population followed public health recommendations, which was a significant advantage compared to the U.S. Japan managed to keep the death toll relatively low. I highly evaluate Japan's response."

**Q: Unlike past infectious disease outbreaks, misinformation and disinformation about COVID-19 spread through social media.**

"A: This was one of the most concerning issues over the past three years. In a public health crisis, misinformation and disinformation can needlessly cost lives. The only solution is for media organizations to disseminate accurate information and help people understand information based on scientific evidence and data. To counter misinformation and disinformation, I rely on the media rather than social media to provide the public with correct information."

**Q: Former President Trump often made statements that disregarded science and attacked you for being cautious about reopening the economy.**

"A: During the Trump administration, I spoke based on science, but the backlash was intense. Those attacking me acted as if the virus would magically disappear, denying the seriousness of the situation, which was, of course, incorrect. There was also public promotion of drugs unproven to be effective against COVID-19. The dissemination of a considerable amount of incorrect information, especially from the highest authorities, had significant negative impacts."

**Q: Despite facing slander and threats, how did you endure?**

"A: As a doctor, scientist, and public health official, I have learned to focus on my goals with laser-like precision. My mission and goal are to protect the health of people, primarily in the U.S. and indirectly worldwide, including Japan. While slander and threats are unpleasant, they did not distract me when I concentrated on my work. They did not hinder me."

**Q: What should be the relationship between politics and science?**

"A: The essence of science is the process of seeking truth based on data and evidence. Politics should not obstruct the pursuit of scientific truth. If political influence or interference does not affect the evaluation of scientific evidence and data, then science and politics can coexist."

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