




✅ 「5600万人」が命を落とした脅威のウイルス「天然痘」…ワクチンの効果期間を調べる必要条件の困難さに絶句…




*本記事は、自然免疫研究の世界的権威審良 静男、B細胞研究の第一人者黒崎 知博、T細胞研究・炎症学研究の第一人者村上 正晃3名の共著『新しい免疫入門 第2版 免疫の基本的なしくみ』(講談社ブルーバックス)を抜粋、編集したものです。



























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さらに「新しい免疫入門 第2版」シリーズの連載記事では、免疫学の最前線について詳しく解説しています。


From the end of the 20th century to today in the 21st century, the "common knowledge" of immunology has undergone significant changes. We now understand that innate immunity initiates adaptive immunity, a new concept of innate inflammation has emerged, the existence of regulatory T cells has been confirmed, and mRNA vaccines have become a reality.

The highly acclaimed introductory book, recommended as the first read when learning about immunology, has been revised for the first time in ten years to reflect the latest findings.

How do countless cells within the extremely complex and dynamic immune system work together to fend off pathogens? What are the basic mechanisms of our immune system that protect our bodies from pathogenic attacks? In this series, we will introduce a glimpse of the "cutting edge of immunology" unraveled by some of the world's leading researchers.

*This article is an excerpt and edit from "New Introduction to Immunology, 2nd Edition: Basic Mechanisms of Immunity" (Kodansha Bluebacks), co-authored by world-renowned natural immunity researcher Shizuo Akira, leading B cell researcher Tomohiro Kurosaki, and leading T cell and inflammation researcher Masaaki Murakami.*

**The Unexplored Maze**

As mentioned in the prologue, the phenomenon of "no second time" was recorded in books 2,500 years ago. Furthermore, 200 years ago, Jenner administered the first smallpox vaccine, leading to the development of numerous vaccines that have conquered many diseases. Yet, the mechanisms of immune memory remain poorly understood.

Figure 8-1 shows a typical graph used to explain immune memory. Upon initial exposure to an antigen, antibody levels start to rise around the seventh day and peak around the fifteenth day. With a second exposure, the response surpasses the initial peak by the seventh day and reaches almost 100 times the initial response by the tenth day. In other words, the initial exposure is remembered, and the response to the second exposure is swift and powerful.

Despite the clarity of the phenomenon, why is the mechanism so elusive?

The primary reason is that memory cells are difficult to measure, making experiments exceedingly challenging. Moreover, experiments spanning over a year require immense mental fortitude. Having been entangled in the maze of immune memory for many years, I (Kurosaki) can attest to this.

Nonetheless, researchers' efforts have gradually unveiled various aspects. In this chapter, we will discuss these in an omnibus fashion.

Memory B cells, memory killer T cells, and memory helper T cells are now known to exist.

You might think this is common knowledge, but to explain immune memory, the presence of memory cells specialized for immune memory is not necessarily required. For example, the phenomenon shown in Figure 8-1 can be explained without the existence of specialized memory cells if there is a mechanism by which a small amount of the invading antigen persists in the body.

Therefore, memory cells are defined as "cells that have experienced the antigen once and survive even in the absence of the antigen."

Under this definition, it has been experimentally proven that memory B cells, memory killer T cells, and memory helper T cells can be maintained for long periods by cytokines, even in the absence of the antigen.

In the United States, studies on the persistence of immune memory after smallpox vaccination have shown that memory B cells, memory killer T cells, and memory helper T cells can be maintained almost for a lifetime. This research was possible because smallpox was eradicated worldwide in 1980, creating a state of "no antigen."

However, it should be noted that not all infections or vaccinations result in such long-lasting immune memory. The reasons for differences in maintenance duration are not well understood.

Let's briefly explain the mechanism of immune memory.

First, upon antigen stimulation, naive B cells, naive killer T cells, and naive helper T cells are activated and proliferate in an antigen-specific manner. The proliferated cells work hard to perform their respective roles. During this period, these cells are called effector cells. Some of the proliferated cells become memory cells.

Once the antigen is eliminated, the effector cells undergo apoptosis and die, while the memory cells survive and prepare for the next antigen invasion.

When the same antigen invades again, these memory cells are activated in an antigen-specific manner.

Memory cells:

1. Are already in a stage where they can quickly differentiate into effector cells.
2. Have a higher proportion of antigen-specific cells compared to naive cells.
3. Are located in places where they can easily exert effector functions.

This explains why the second response is swift and powerful, as shown in Figure 8-1.

This flow is likely accurate, but many details remain unclear. The mechanism by which memory B cells are formed is fairly well understood, as discussed in Chapter 3. The mechanism by which memory T cells are formed is thought to involve randomly arriving at sites with high expression of survival cytokines. The maintenance of memory cells until the next antigen invasion is also mainly attributed to cytokines, but the specifics in each organ are not yet well understood.

Regarding the mechanism of immune memory, there has been debate about the necessity of memory helper T cells for the activation of memory B cells. It was once thought that memory B cells could be activated without the help of activated helper T cells, explaining the rapid response of memory B cells.

However, current research suggests that the activation of memory B cells still requires the help of activated helper T cells, which are derived from memory helper T cells recognizing the same antigen.

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Further detailed explanations of the latest advances in immunology are provided in the series of articles based on "New Introduction to Immunology, 2nd Edition."

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✅ 小さいころワクチンの記憶はない、腕のところに跡があるので「疱瘡」と聞いたことがある、あとは小学校の時ツベルクリンのあとにBCGを、BCGはいたかったので検査の時に腕を軽くたたいてBCGを避けるようにしていた。

✅ 唯一ワクチンで撲滅できたのは天然痘だけです。5600万人が命を落とした脅威のウィルスですがワクチンにより全滅。それに比べてコロナは、永久的だし、コロナは、変異を繰り返すペースも早くどんな新たな変異株を登場させるのかわからないので、殆ど免疫も出来ないと思うし集団免疫を獲得することも出来ないですね。今、流行しているKP.3の感染者が、9月には2000万人らしい、感染力が強く、免疫回避力もJN.1の2倍なので抗ワクチンの防御何か突破するので、中等症に重症になる可能性もあるしかしコロナ感染者が9月には2000万人にもなれば入院出来ない人達が大勢いることに、今でも入院先が見つからないのに、コロナ治療薬のゾコーバが医療費3割の人で1万5000で高い薬は3万もするので経済的に無理な人達が多いので家で症状が重くなり亡くなる人達が増えるこんだけ日本人の感染者がいるのに外国人観光客に感染者がいないのはおかしい
✅ 江戸時代、天然痘は致命率が(20〜50%)と高かった。

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