




✅ たった「1年」という異例の速さで開発されたコロナワクチン…驚異の「mRNAワクチン」がもたらす「がん治療」の未来




*本記事は、自然免疫研究の世界的権威審良 静男、B細胞研究の第一人者黒崎 知博、T細胞研究・炎症学研究の第一人者村上 正晃3名の共著『新しい免疫入門 第2版 免疫の基本的なしくみ』(講談社ブルーバックス)を抜粋、編集したものです。


二〇一九年一二月、中国・武漢市で原因不明の肺炎が報告された。その原因は新型コロナウイルスによるものと突きとめられ、COVID-19 と名づけられる。新型コロナウイルスはあっという間に全世界に広がり、パンデミックを引きおこした。























では一つ目の問題はどう解決されたのか。こわれやすいmRNAを脂質ナノ粒子(LNP:lipid nanoparticle)で包みこむことで、細胞質まで無傷で届けることに成功した。これには多くの研究者がかかわった。脂質ナノ粒子にも自然免疫を活性化する能力がある。

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さらに「新しい免疫入門 第2版」シリーズの連載記事では、免疫学の最前線について詳しく解説しています。


From the end of the 20th century to today in the 21st century, the "common knowledge" of immunology has greatly changed. It has been discovered that innate immunity activates adaptive immunity, a new concept of innate inflammation has emerged, the existence of regulatory T cells has been confirmed, and mRNA vaccines have become a reality.

A highly regarded introductory book, considered a must-read when studying immunology, has been revised for the first time in ten years to reflect the latest findings.

How do countless cells cooperate to fight off pathogens in the highly complex and dynamic system of immunity? What are the basic mechanisms of immunity that protect our bodies from pathogenic attacks? In this series, we will introduce a glimpse of the "frontiers of immunology" as elucidated by some of the world's leading researchers.

*This article is an excerpt and edited version of "New Introduction to Immunology, 2nd Edition: The Basic Mechanisms of Immunity" (Kodansha Blue Backs), co-authored by Shizuo Akira, a world authority on innate immunity research, Tomohiro Kurosaki, a leading researcher on B cells, and Masaaki Murakami, a leading researcher on T cells and inflammation.

**A new type of vaccine developed in just one year**

In December 2019, an unidentified pneumonia was reported in Wuhan, China. The cause was identified as a new coronavirus, named COVID-19. The new coronavirus quickly spread worldwide, causing a pandemic.

In December 2020, one year after the initial report, vaccinations began in the UK with a vaccine jointly developed by Pfizer and BioNTech. This was the mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccine, the first of its kind to be put into practical use. The development period was an exceptionally short one year.

Why was the mRNA vaccine for the new coronavirus developed so quickly? This is because attempts to use mRNA vaccines for disease treatment had already begun in the 1990s. Among these attempts were efforts to use mRNA vaccines to treat cancer.

**What is a cancer vaccine?**

In the first part of this chapter, we will introduce cancer mRNA vaccines. First, let's cover the basics of cancer vaccines.

Cancer vaccines include preventive vaccines and therapeutic vaccines.

The cervical cancer vaccine is a preventive cancer vaccine. While there are no preventive vaccines for stomach cancer or colorectal cancer, it might seem strange that there is one for cervical cancer. However, it is known that cervical cancer is caused by a virus, and by preventing infection with this virus, the occurrence of cancer can be prevented. Similarly, there is a hepatocellular carcinoma vaccine that prevents infection with the hepatitis B virus.

On the other hand, cancer mRNA vaccines are currently being developed as therapeutic vaccines. Clinical trials have begun for several types of cancer, with efficacy shown in melanoma, non-small cell lung cancer, and prostate cancer.

The mRNA vaccine for the new coronavirus has already been put into practical use, and many readers have likely received it multiple times. The basic mechanism of mRNA vaccines is mostly the same, so let's use the familiar new coronavirus vaccine as an example to explain how mRNA vaccines work.

**How mRNA vaccines work**

This explanation assumes a basic knowledge of molecular biology as learned in high school.

The mRNA used carries the information to produce the spike protein of the virus. This mRNA can be artificially synthesized if the nucleotide sequence of the target gene is known. The spike protein is essential for the virus to enter cells and is suitable as an immune antigen (vaccine target).

Injected mRNA enters the cytoplasm of muscle cells or surrounding dendritic cells through the cell membrane. In the cytoplasm, ribosomes translate the mRNA to produce the spike protein. The produced spike protein is broken down into peptides by enzymes in the cytoplasm and presented on MHC class I molecules.

Meanwhile, the spike protein produced in the cytoplasm can also be expelled outside the cell. Dendritic cells can then engulf these free spike proteins and present the peptides on MHC class II molecules. Standard type 1 dendritic cells have a high capacity for cross-presentation, so peptides can also be presented on MHC class I molecules through this route.

Around the same time, fragments of the spike protein may also reach the lymph node follicles (B cell regions).

This initiates adaptive immunity, leading to the production of effector cells and memory cells.

By now, readers who have read this far may have noticed something missing. Yes, for adaptive immunity to start, dendritic cells must be activated. In other words, something that activates innate immunity is needed.

By the way, the cervical cancer vaccine mentioned earlier is a type where the protein that forms the virus's capsid (shell) is used as the immune antigen, with an adjuvant added to activate innate immunity. However, mRNA vaccines do not contain adjuvants.

**Breakthroughs that won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine**

Let's go back to the 1990s. There were significant challenges in using mRNA vaccines for cancer treatment.

First, mRNA is a very fragile substance that could not be safely delivered to the cytoplasm. Second, externally introduced artificial mRNA strongly activated innate immunity, causing severe inflammation. Indeed, mRNA itself has a strong ability to activate innate immunity, and its excessive strength was the issue.

The second problem was solved in 2005 by Dr. Katalin Karikó and Dr. Drew Weissman at the University of Pennsylvania. By substituting pseudouridine for uridine, a component of mRNA, it became less recognizable by innate immunity's pattern recognition receptors. Recall from Chapter 1 that there are pattern recognition receptors like TLR3, 7, 8, and RIG-I inside cells that detect invading RNA.

However, substituting uridine with pseudouridine does not make it completely unrecognizable by pattern recognition receptors. It still retains enough capacity to activate innate immunity, comparable to or stronger than the adjuvants added to the cervical cancer vaccine. Thus, an ideal mRNA was created that activates innate immunity and produces the virus's spike protein. For this achievement, Dr. Karikó and Dr. Weissman were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2023.

How was the first problem solved? Wrapping the fragile mRNA in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) successfully delivered it intact to the cytoplasm. Many researchers contributed to this achievement. Lipid nanoparticles also have the ability to activate innate immunity.

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The "New Introduction to Immunology, 2nd Edition" series further explains the latest in immunology in detail.

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✅ 名古屋大学 小島勢二教授によるインフルエンザとコロナのワクチンの回数を揃えたデータ

接種期間 2015〜2020年(5年間) 
接種回数 2億6,248万回

接種期間 2021〜2022年(16ヶ月)
接種回数 2億8,274万回
副反応報告 34,120回
死亡報告 1,761回

✅ 井上正康教授がmRNAは開発段階で人に使えなくて中止になり、突然降ってわいたかのように再び現れたって言ってたような。。
✅ mRNAはウィルスに、だからコロナウィルスにということだったけど個人的感想として帯状疱疹(水疱瘡ウィルス?)の活動は活発になるようにしくまれていたんだ。

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