
マイコプラズマ肺炎 全国の患者増[2024.8.13]

マイコプラズマ肺炎 全国の患者増



✅ マイコプラズマ肺炎が8年ぶり高水準 小児科医にきく“受診のサイン”は? 長引く咳…1か月続くことも


クリニックばんびぃに 時田章史 院長



時田章史 院長









時田章史 院長
時田章史 院長


時田章史 院長



Cases of "Mycoplasma pneumonia," characterized by prolonged coughing and often seen in children, are spreading at levels not seen in eight years. This infectious disease, also known as "walking pneumonia," is on the rise. What is behind this increase?

Dr. Akifumi Tokita, Director of Clinic Bambii
"The patient tested negative for COVID-19 and influenza, but positive for Mycoplasma."

At a pediatric clinic in Tokyo, the number of patients with Mycoplasma has surged over the past two weeks.

When infected with the Mycoplasma bacterium, symptoms such as fever and cough can occur, and it may lead to "Mycoplasma pneumonia." A distinctive feature of this illness is a prolonged cough that can last up to a month.

Dr. Akifumi Tokita
"The diagnosis is Mycoplasma. I don't think it has developed into Mycoplasma pneumonia, but I will prescribe antibiotics and cough medicine."

A 9-year-old girl has been coughing for a week even after her fever subsided.

Father of a 9-year-old daughter
"I was worried because her cough persisted. (Q: Hasn't she gotten better?) No, it doesn't seem to be getting better."

Today alone, three cases of infection were confirmed in the morning.

The number of patients with "Mycoplasma pneumonia" reported to around 500 medical institutions nationwide in the week leading up to August 4th has increased for five consecutive weeks, with an average of 0.95 patients per medical institution. This is the highest level seen in eight years since 2016, when the number of cases was at its peak.

A 3-year-old girl, who had just returned from a trip, also showed symptoms of fever and coughing, prompting her mother to bring her to the clinic.

Mother of a 3-year-old daughter
"Her fever spiked once during the night. (Q: Is she coughing a little now?) Yes, she is coughing a little."

Test results confirmed that she had contracted Mycoplasma.

In addition to weakened immunity due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the long incubation period is being pointed to as a factor in the spread of the disease. Dr. Tokita explains that Mycoplasma has a long incubation period of 2 to 3 weeks from infection to the onset of symptoms, making it easy to unknowingly spread the infection in places like schools.

Dr. Akifumi Tokita
"The incubation period is two weeks, so did you go to Okinawa (on your trip) about a week ago?"
"No, we just went this past weekend."
Dr. Akifumi Tokita
"Then, it's more likely that the infection occurred before the trip rather than in Okinawa."

How can parents recognize the signs that their child needs medical attention?

Dr. Akifumi Tokita
"If you suspect a cold, but the fever continues for three to four days, or if the cough wasn't too bad at first but worsens around the third or fourth day, it might be a good idea to bring your child in for a check-up."

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is urging people to practice basic infection prevention measures such as handwashing and wearing masks.

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✅ 「マイコプラズマ」と聞くと、字面から恐ろしい感染症のように思われるかもしれませんが、呼吸器感染症ではそう珍しくない細菌です。肺炎球菌などの細菌性肺炎の治療にはベータラクタム系という抗菌薬がよく使用されますが、マイコプラズマなどいくつかの微生物には例外的にこれが効きません。そのため、われわれ医療従事者も「もしかしてマイコプラズマかもしれない」と日々注意しながら診療にあたっています。なお、マイコプラズマには有効なワクチンが存在しません。そのため、個々に感染対策を講じる必要があります。
✅ マイコプラズマ肺炎は、マイコプラズマの感染でいろいろな合併症や免疫難病の症状を起こす肺炎のことです。マイコプラズマ感染症による肺炎の患者さんは意外に多く、新型コロナウイルス感染症を含む他の間質性肺炎の病気に紛れていたりして実態がよくわかっていない側面があります。成人もかかりますが、小児や若年層の病気と思われているため、5類感染症として届出される対象が小児科に偏っているのも実態がよくわからない理由の一つと考えられています。肺炎全体の10%から30%がマイコプラズマ肺炎と言われており、その割合から日本では100万人から200万人と推定されますが、いい診断薬がないため、特に合併症の診断やコロナ後遺症との区別が難しい病気です。このように、マイコプラズマによる肺炎が長く見過ごされてきましたが、最近になって原因不明の肺炎にマイコプラズマによるものが多く含まれているのではないかと考えられ始めています。
✅ オリンピックイヤーに流行ると聞いたことがある。




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