




✅ 南海トラフ地震臨時情報の「巨大地震注意」1週間 科学的に低精度、備えとのバランス課題













It has been one week since the emergency information "Warning of Major Earthquake" was issued, following the magnitude 7.1 earthquake off the coast of Miyazaki Prefecture, which raised the possibility of a massive Nankai Trough earthquake beyond normal levels. While this announcement led to a reassessment of preparedness in various areas, there have also been voices pointing out issues with the way the emergency information impacted socio-economic activities.

"I got the impression that the balance between the level of risk and society’s response was not well managed."

Professor Takeshi Sagiya, a seismologist from Nagoya University who is knowledgeable about seismic activity around the Nankai Trough, criticized the series of situations following the emergency information.

### Suspension of Express Trains and Closure of Beaches

Despite the increased risk of a major earthquake due to the recent earthquake, the probability of its occurrence remains extremely low. Nevertheless, express trains were suspended, beaches were closed, and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida canceled his overseas trip. "This kind of response felt reminiscent of the warning declarations under the old Large-Scale Earthquake Countermeasures Act," Professor Sagiya remarked.

The government used to believe that a precursor to a large earthquake near Shizuoka Prefecture, known as the "Tokai Earthquake" (estimated to be around magnitude 8), could be detected in advance, making short-term prediction possible.

Based on this assumption, the Large-Scale Earthquake Countermeasures Act was established in 1978, which allowed the Prime Minister to issue a warning declaration that could halt transportation and production activities in the target area.

However, after the unexpected Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, it was determined that "highly accurate earthquake predictions are not possible" with current science and technology. As a result, the government shifted from measures under the Large-Scale Earthquake Countermeasures Act to the issuance of emergency information encouraging the public to take disaster preparedness measures.

### Generalities Derived from Statistics

The difficulty in interpreting the emergency information is widely acknowledged among seismologists. The recent "Warning of Major Earthquake" was based on generalities derived from global earthquake statistics, rather than an analysis of phenomena along the Nankai Trough. Therefore, the scientific accuracy regarding the likelihood of a subsequent massive earthquake is very low.

On the other hand, Professor Sagiya pointed out that the emergency information issued for a "Major Earthquake Alert," which would be triggered by an earthquake of magnitude 8.0 or higher occurring at the plate boundary in the expected source area, is "understandable" based on historical occurrences. He stressed the need for social consensus on the nature of emergency information and stated, "It should be reviewed continuously."

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✅ 1975年2月、中国の遼寧省海城市でM7.3の大地震が発生しました。「海城地震」として知られるこの地震では、行政当局が大地震の前兆となる前震などの現象を分析し、100万人ともいわれる住民を事前に避難させたことで被害を大幅に軽減することができました。ところが、翌年7月、河北省唐山市でM7.8の大地震が発生。予知できずに結果的に犠牲者は24万人をこえ世界最大規模の被害となりました。海城地震は平時とは明らかに異なり、前震と思える地震が何度も発生したとのことですが、唐山地震のように、地震を予知することは極めて難しいことを改めて認識すべきだと思います。今回の臨時情報は、制度の存在を知らしめ、南海トラフ地震への注意を高めたという点ではよかったと思いますが、「地震は予知が可能」という誤った考え方をする人が増えないか懸念しています。南海トラフ地震は、臨時情報が発表されなくても起きる可能性は十分あるのです。
✅ 東南海地震のリスクは常に存在する。今回の南海トラフ地震臨時情報は、混乱を招く情報発信であった。事前に臨時情報についての周知が足りず、国民の恐怖心をあおる結果となった。また、岸田総理が南海トラフ臨時情報の発信を理由に外交活動(外遊)を中止するなど、さらに国民に誤解を与えてしまった。
✅ 昨日、松村防災担当大臣が、今回の「巨大地震注意」発表の経緯について「検証が必要」との認識を示しました。検証は当然のことで大変良いことだと思います。国会でも検証されるべきですし、大本営発表報道になっていなかったかどうか、メディアの自己検証も必要でしょう。




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