
新卒一括採用の限界 企業の本音[2024.8.18]

新卒一括採用の限界 企業の本音



✅ 学生が新卒一括採用にこだわる会社を忌避する訳 優秀な人材ほど中途採用の一本釣りに



























Even among major companies, the long-standing practice of mass hiring of new graduates is starting to break down significantly, as we see an increasing number of cases where companies are shifting towards hiring more mid-career professionals.

With this in mind, we conducted interviews with 32 human resources personnel from large companies that typically hire over 50 new graduates annually, asking them about the advantages and disadvantages of mass hiring of new graduates.

**Advantages in Terms of Staffing and Costs**

Let's start with the advantages. Given the recent labor shortage, many respondents viewed mass hiring of new graduates as an effective means of securing talent.
"For many departments, such as manufacturing sites and IT divisions, the labor shortage is severe, and we receive frequent requests to 'just get us more people,' regardless of their skills or experience. In such cases, mass hiring of new graduates, which allows us to recruit a large number of people, becomes increasingly important" (General Electronics).

"In recent years, our company has been increasing mid-career hires who can immediately contribute. However, with mid-career hires, we need to pay recruitment agencies a fee that can be as much as 30% of the new hire's annual salary, which makes costs an issue. Although the costs for hiring new graduates are rising, they are still relatively lower than for mid-career hires, offering a cost advantage" (Finance).
Furthermore, many noted that beyond recruitment, mass hiring of new graduates offers significant benefits in terms of organizational management and post-entry employee development.

"The biggest advantage is that it enhances a sense of belonging to the company. Fresh graduates, who are not yet influenced by other companies, can understand and adapt to our corporate philosophy and culture, which strengthens their sense of belonging. The bonds among peers also deepen, which at our company has led to increased motivation and lower turnover rates" (Materials).
"In the IT industry, some may argue that general human capital—skills that are valuable across the entire market, like languages or certifications—is sufficient if you hire experienced workers, but I disagree. Specific human capital, which is valuable only within a particular company, is extremely important in the IT world as well, and mass hiring of new graduates is a good system for enhancing this" (IT).

General human capital refers to skills that are valuable across the entire market, like languages or certifications, while company-specific human capital refers to skills that are only useful within a particular company, such as proprietary knowledge. It is said that enhancing company-specific human capital through in-house training is effective for securing a competitive advantage.

**Is Mass Hiring of New Graduates Truly Low-Cost?**

On the other hand, some pointed out that the cost advantages of mass hiring new graduates compared to mid-career hires might not be as strong, if they exist at all.

"In recent years, we've seen an increase in young employees leaving our company. If they quit within three years, the cost of their education is completely wasted. While the per-person hiring cost is indeed higher for mid-career hires, when you include the cost of education, mass hiring of new graduates might actually be more expensive" (Services).
"Competition for top talent has become fierce, especially with foreign consulting firms, and we are finding it difficult to secure highly capable individuals through new graduate hiring. Even when we do manage to hire top talent, they tend to leave quickly. From the perspective of securing the core talent that will lead our company in the future, our expectations for mass hiring of new graduates are declining" (Insurance).

Additionally, there were many opinions that "job-based employment makes it difficult to align with other human resource systems" (Trading companies, Consumer goods). Let me explain this further.

After World War II, the skill-based qualification system became widespread in Japanese companies. This system operates under the assumption that skills improve with experience as one ages, leading to yearly salary increases and promotions from the time one enters the company, based on seniority. This seniority system is linked not only to wages and positions but also to all human resource-related systems, including retirement plans, training, and welfare.

In recent years, many Japanese companies have adopted job-based employment. In job-based employment, who does a particular job is the only consideration, regardless of whether they are new graduates, mid-career hires, or their age. As long as the person continues to hold the same job, their salary and position do not change with seniority. Job-based employment is entirely incompatible with the seniority-based human resource systems that have traditionally been tied to mass hiring of new graduates.

**Is Halting Mass Hiring of New Graduates Unrealistic?**

So, what will happen in the future? Most respondents predicted that mass hiring of new graduates, with its significant advantages, would remain central to talent acquisition going forward.

"The labor shortage will become increasingly severe in the future. Unless we move production bases and headquarters overseas, we must maintain mass hiring of new graduates as a central means of securing enough employees to sustain domestic operations" (Machinery).

"In the past few years, we've aggressively hired mid-career candidates for management and potential future leaders, but they haven't settled in well, and there have been conflicts with long-term employees, so it's not working out. We're now returning to the policy of nurturing key talent from new graduates, focusing on hiring outstanding students without worrying about numbers" (Food).

However, some acknowledged the limitations of mass hiring of new graduates but said it would be difficult to actually stop the practice.

"Mass hiring of new graduates doesn't mesh well with job-based employment, and I would like to stop it if possible. However, if we actually stop, it will be difficult to secure enough people, and we would need to fundamentally review all human resource systems based on the skill-based qualification system. There's also the social demand to maintain employment, so it seems a bit unrealistic" (Energy).
The "social demand" referred to here is the expectation that companies will play a role in preventing unemployment among young people. In job-based employment, skills and experience required for a particular job are more advantageous, favoring experienced workers over new graduates. Compared to Japan, which actively hires inexperienced students, Western countries with job-based employment tend to have higher youth unemployment rates.

Thus, while many human resource professionals believe that "mass hiring of new graduates will continue," I predict that within the next decade, this practice will collapse.

**Students Themselves Don’t Want Mass Hiring**

The first reason is that job-based employment is rapidly gaining traction. The second reason is that students themselves do not want mass hiring of new graduates.

We also interviewed university seniors, many of whom expressed doubts about the current job-hunting practices based on the assumption of mass hiring of new graduates.

"The current system, where everyone with a university degree is treated equally regardless of their post-entry duties or abilities, is completely unfair. Among my peers, the more motivated and capable students often ask, 'Why do we have to match the lower level?' I see companies that insist on mass hiring of new graduates as 'Showa-era companies'" (Private University, Faculty of Law).

"The idea that everyone starts working on April 1st as if it's a race feels military-like, restrictive, and creepy. Ideally, I want to see various companies, gain experience abroad, and start working when I feel ready and satisfied with my decisions" (National University, Faculty of Engineering).

Some in the corporate world seem to react negatively to these students, saying, "They're getting cocky in a seller's market" (Transportation equipment). However, given the expected continuation of a seller's market due to the declining birthrate, companies cannot ignore students' voices if they want to hire top talent.
While no major company is likely to outright declare, "We will stop mass hiring of new graduates," ignoring government and societal demands to maintain employment, the shift towards job-based employment and a focus on hiring experienced professionals may gradually lead to the de facto end of mass hiring of new graduates. This near future scenario seems highly probable.

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✅ 「新卒一括採用」とは何かを定義した方がよいかもしれません。




✅ 何度も批判されつつも、強固に存続しているのが「新卒一括採用」だ。経済団体も論者も何度も「新卒一括採用の見直しを」と叫び、2010年代後半にはついに当時の経団連会長までもが猛批判し、経団連は採用選考に関する「指針」を発表する立場をおりた。



✅ 働きたいときに働かせてもらえず、産みたいときに産ませてもらえなかった氷河期世代としては、働き手不足も少子化問題も何を今さらという感想です。





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