
Netflix 新たな鉱脈にライブ配信[2024.9.9]

Netflix 新たな鉱脈にライブ配信



✅ 『地面師たち』のNetflix、新鉱脈は生配信 ホットドッグ早食いの小林尊からマイク・タイソンまで




 実は、この対決を企画・主催したのは米動画配信サービス大手のネットフリックスだ。両選手との交渉やルールの策定といった興行全体を取りまとめると同時に、対戦の様子を特別番組『Chestnut vs. Kobayashi : 究極のホットバトル』として会員向けにライブ配信(生配信)した。

 ネットフリックスといえば、最近では『地面師たち』のヒットの印象を持つ人が多いだろう。豊川悦司や綾野剛をはじめとする実力派俳優の起用、過激な描写、日本の地上波放送を大きく上回る制作費といった話題が頻繁に報じられている。13年に配信した『ハウス・オブ・カード 野望の階段』から積み上げてきた自社でのドラマ制作のノウハウが、世界で2億7765万人に上る会員を引き付けているのは間違いない。


 一方で、足元の動きは激しい。この1年半ほどの間に、米映画賞の1つであるSAG賞やプロゴルファーとF1ドライバーが組んで競う『The Netflix Cup』などをライブで流した。11月にはボクシング界のレジェンドであるマイク・タイソンと、有名ユーチューバーのジェイク・ポールの対戦も配信を計画する。さらに米プロレス団体ワールド・レスリング・エンターテインメント(WWE)と10年間で50億ドル(約7300億円)の契約を結び、25年から主力番組『Raw(ロウ)』を生中継する権利を手にした。

◽️ 「一緒に見るという魔法」への期待





 小林とチェスナットによる対決では、両氏を取り上げた米ESPNのドキュメンタリー『30 for 30: The Good, The Bad, The Hungry』の制作に携わった人材がネットフリックスの社内にいたことが企画のきっかけになったという。2人の選手に接触してそれぞれの考えを聞きながら、1年以上かけて折衝を重ねることで実現にこぎ着けた。



 『ハウス・オブ・カード 野望の階段』の配信から10年余りたった今、日本でもネットフリックスのドラマが日常的に話題に上るようになり、テレビ局などとの間での人材移動も増えてきた。スピッツァー氏は「米国だけでなく、世界中の人々を興奮させるものは何かと考えている」と明かす。じわりと広がり始めた同社のライブ配信が『地面師たち』のように日本に刺激を与える日も、遠くはないかもしれない。


Hot dogs piled up like a mountain quickly began to disappear—. On Labor Day, a holiday in the U.S. marking the end of summer (September 2), the eyes of the crowd gathered at a stadium in Las Vegas were fixed on two men on stage, competing in an eating contest: Japan’s food fighter Takeru Kobayashi (46) and his American rival, Joey Chestnut (40).

In the 2000s, these two competed for the top spot in New York’s hot dog eating contest. Having stepped away from the competition for their own reasons, this was their first direct showdown in 15 years. In the 10-minute time limit, Kobayashi ate 66 hot dogs, while Chestnut ate 83, winning by a wide margin. Although Kobayashi positioned this as his “final battle,” he also broke his own record.

"I had a dream that eating contests would spread as a sport, and that one day we could compete on a grand stage like boxing, and I wanted to be part of that,” Kobayashi said in an interview with the media before the match. "It's a happy thing that this came true," he said, expressing his joy in his retirement announcement posted on Instagram after the match.

This event was actually planned and hosted by the major U.S. streaming service Netflix. While negotiating with both competitors and setting the rules, Netflix also live-streamed the contest in a special program titled *Chestnut vs. Kobayashi: The Ultimate Hot Battle* for its members.

When you think of Netflix recently, many people might recall the hit show *The Master Swindlers.* With powerful actors like Etsushi Toyokawa and Go Ayano, extreme scenes, and a production budget far surpassing that of Japanese terrestrial TV, the show was frequently in the news. Since its 2013 release of *House of Cards*, Netflix has accumulated know-how in original drama production, which has attracted a global subscriber base of 277.65 million people.

In comparison, Netflix’s history of live event streaming, like the hot dog eating contest, is relatively short. It all began in March 2023 with the live broadcast of comedian Chris Rock's stand-up special *Selective Outrage* from a theater in Maryland.

However, things are moving quickly. In the past year and a half, Netflix live-streamed events such as the SAG Awards and *The Netflix Cup*, where pro golfers and F1 drivers teamed up. In November, they plan to stream a boxing match between legend Mike Tyson and famous YouTuber Jake Paul. Netflix also signed a 10-year, $5 billion contract with WWE to acquire the live broadcast rights for its flagship program *Raw* starting in 2025.

## The "Magic" of Watching Together

Streaming services like Netflix have grown by offering the flexibility to watch content anytime, anywhere, and on any device. So, its push toward live broadcasts might seem odd. However, Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos explained, “There’s something magical about gathering in front of the TV in the living room and watching the same program together.” As people’s preferences diversify with more entertainment options, live shows present a "precious opportunity" to generate excitement and attention all at once.

When it comes to the "king" of live broadcasts, major sports like the NFL take the crown. According to an analysis by the U.S. entertainment industry magazine *Variety*, 56 of the top 100 most-watched U.S. TV programs in 2023 were sports-related, with NFL games dominating the list, including the Super Bowl, which drew about 115 million viewers. Netflix has also secured a deal to stream two NFL games on Christmas Day 2024.

However, securing the broadcasting rights for major sports, which guarantee a steady audience and ad revenue, is not easy. According to the British research firm Sports Business, the total global sports broadcasting rights reached approximately $56 billion in 2023, a 2.4% increase from the previous year. With tech giants like Amazon and Apple entering the scene, the money game has intensified, and Sarandos noted that “it’s very difficult to turn a profit by streaming an entire season of major sports.”

As a result, Netflix is exploring new opportunities in events like the hot dog eating contest—curated, original sports events—or those that can be combined with documentaries, an area Netflix has long focused on. Gabe Spitzer, Netflix’s vice president in charge of sports content, emphasized in an interview with *Nikkei Business* that they aim to attract not only core sports fans but also new audiences.

The Kobayashi vs. Chestnut showdown was realized thanks to personnel within Netflix who had worked on ESPN’s documentary *30 for 30: The Good, The Bad, The Hungry*, which featured both competitors. After more than a year of negotiations and discussions with both athletes, the event came to fruition.

In the restructuring and reorganization of the U.S. media industry, Netflix is currently seen as a "winner," earning more profits than the combined operating results of its competitors' streaming businesses. However, much of Netflix's growth over the past two years can be attributed to the introduction of ad-supported plans and cracking down on account sharing.

To sustain growth beyond these initiatives, diverse content is essential, and live broadcasting is being looked at as a potential breakthrough. Spitzer, while showing caution, said, “We’re still at the baby stage—just crawling before we start walking or running—but we have the ability to experiment.”

More than ten years have passed since Netflix released *House of Cards*, and its dramas have become a regular topic of conversation in Japan, with more talent moving between TV networks and Netflix. Spitzer revealed that they are always thinking about "what will excite people not just in the U.S. but worldwide." The day when Netflix’s live broadcasts start stirring up excitement in Japan, much like *The Master Swindlers*, may not be too far off.

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✅ スポーツ中継を除けば、地上波テレビは生番組+収録番組、動画配信サービスは録画番組のみという印象がある方は多くいらっしゃるのかもしれません。実際には本記事が示すように動画配信サービスにもスポーツ以外の生番組は少なからずあります。
✅ スポーツや格闘技などのライブ配信自体はここ5年以上前から配信サービス各社の重要な集客コンテンツとなっており、都度課金や見放題といったサービス形態はコンテンツごとに変わりますが、話題性の高いビッグゲームの権利獲得への動きがあります。アマゾンプライムはボクシング世界タイトルマッチや野球WBCなどで実績があり、U-NEXTはサッカープレミアリーグを日本独占配信しています。
✅ 一時期はサッカーの代表戦は当然地上波で見て、大晦日は地上波でこぞって各テレビ局が格闘技をやってて年を越してましたが。。。


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