
デブリ取り出し 実現性危ぶまれる[2024.9.19]

デブリ取り出し 実現性危ぶまれる



✅ デブリ採取、作業再開見通し立たず 調査に数カ月の可能性



「ケーブル故障」「結露影響」 専門家見解







Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) continued their efforts on the 18th to restore the cameras involved in the trial retrieval of melted nuclear fuel (debris) from the No. 2 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. However, they were unable to determine the cause of the malfunction. There is no clear timeline for resuming the operation, and depending on the situation, the investigation may take several months. The retrieval process has already been interrupted twice in a short period, raising concerns about the feasibility of the operation.

According to TEPCO, the problem was discovered around 6 a.m. on the 17th, when the operation began. The video feed from two cameras attached near the tip of a pipe-shaped retrieval device was cut off. Two other cameras, located further from the tip, continue to function properly. All four cameras are inside the reactor containment vessel. The last time the device was checked for proper functioning was on the 15th, when no abnormalities were detected.

On the 18th, workers outside the containment vessel inspected the connection and power supply of the camera's communication cables, but found no issues. It remains unclear whether the cause lies with the cameras or the communication system. Further checks on other cables will be carried out on the 19th.

Expert opinions on the issue suggest possible causes like "cable failure" or "effects of condensation." The cameras are designed to withstand high radiation levels and operate normally inside the containment vessel where the debris is located for about a month. Professor Takashi Okamoto of the University of Tokyo Graduate School (Nuclear Engineering) noted, "It’s unlikely that both cameras would fail at the same time, which suggests a fault in the power cables." Due to the constant water injection into the containment vessel, the humidity levels are high. A government official suggested, "There may have been an electrical malfunction caused by condensation."

The 22-meter-long retrieval device is mostly inserted into the containment vessel and pipes, and the two-day inspection targeted only the external communication equipment. However, TEPCO officials admitted that "there is a limit to what we can do." If the device needs to be removed and rebuilt, it may take several months before operations can resume.

The debris retrieval operation was initially scheduled to begin on August 22 but was delayed by about three weeks due to human error. Following the investigation and resumption of the operation, the first attempt to physically grasp the debris was expected on the 17th.

With the work halted twice in less than a month, Associate Professor Hiroshi Kainuma of the University of Tokyo Graduate School (originally from Iwaki City, Sociology) remarked, "Debris retrieval represents a clear turning point, and unexpected issues will arise." He added, "Decommissioning work is a process of trial and error, and we need to calmly assess this incident."

There are an estimated 880 tons of debris in reactors No. 1-3, and its retrieval is considered the most difficult part of the decommissioning process. This time, the plan was to retrieve less than 3 grams of debris, but delays have persisted since 2021.

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✅ 今までも、釣り竿型の装置や潜水艦などで、放射線量が極めて高い格納容器内の作業は何回もやってきていますが、2台のカメラが同時に映らなくなることはありませんでした。ケーブル関連の不具合と考えられますが、不具合の可能性のある箇所を順番に調査していると思います。調査する作業員の方の被ばくもあり、長時間の調査が難しく時間がかかると思います。まずは、安全第一でじっくりと時間をかけて不具合箇所を特定することが重要です。
✅ 東電経営陣はデブリ採取は不可能と考えているでしょう。
✅ 2台が同時とのことなので原因はどちらも共通してそうですよね。まずは、作業員の安全を優先した上で、じつくりと原因を特定してもらえればと思います。一般人が浴びることのない放射線量(1年?一生?)を1回の作業で浴びてしまうわけで、原子炉の法定点検もそうですが、原子力発電所がある限り、現場作業員の被曝リスクがあることは忘れてはいけませんね。

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