
自民党 新総裁に石破茂氏を選出[2024.9.27]

自民党 新総裁に石破茂氏を選出



✅ 「笑顔で暮らせる、安全で安心な国に」自民党の新総裁に石破茂氏 過去最多9人による激戦の結果












In the Liberal Democratic Party's leadership election, former Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba won the majority in the runoff vote and was elected as the new leader.

This marks his first victory after five attempts.

In the vote, Ms. Takaichi received a total of 194 votes, with 173 from Diet members and 21 from regional votes.

Mr. Ishiba received a total of 215 votes, with 189 from Diet members and 26 from regional votes.

In his first speech, Mr. Ishiba stated the following:

"Thanks to all of you, I, Shigeru Ishiba, a member of the House of Representatives, have been elected as the president of the Liberal Democratic Party. Throughout this election period, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the party members and supporters across the country, my fellow Diet members, and the election management committee.

Former President Kishida made the difficult decision to step down with great resolve so that the Liberal Democratic Party could be reborn and regain the trust of the people. We must come together as one to respond to that.

For more than three years, we were out of power. Under President Abe, I was appointed Secretary-General, and together we created a Liberal Democratic Party where free and open discussions were possible, a fair and just Liberal Democratic Party, and a humble Liberal Democratic Party. Together, we regained power. I want to return to that time once again.

By trusting the people, speaking the truth with courage and sincerity, I, Shigeru Ishiba, will devote myself wholeheartedly to making Japan a country where everyone can live with a smile, in safety and peace. I sincerely ask for your support. Thank you very much."

Mr. Ishiba is scheduled to hold a press conference at 6 PM to mark his appointment.

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✅ この石破氏の勝利の最大の功労者は野田立憲民主党代表である。
✅ 石破茂氏の経済政策で注目されるのが地方創生です。これまでの地方創生は補助金のバラマキが主体でした。本来はそうしたバラマキを避けて、規制緩和や産業政策で地方に有望な産業を作り出すことが重要です。是非とも中小企業政策と融合した地方創生策、農業・林業の輸出産業化、インバウンドの地方誘致などを進めて頂くことを期待します。また、金融所得課税課税については、金融市場の悪影響を考えて慎重に対応することが重要でしょう。さらに経済安保などについても手腕を発揮することを期待します。
✅ 石破さんは、海洋基本法が議員立法で制定された時、中心的に動いていた。海洋政策にも積極的である。尖閣諸島問題においては、海上保安庁による警戒だけでは不十分であり、海上保安庁が過度に危険にさらされていることを危惧していた。防衛能力をもって領土、領海を守る必要を感じているようだ。中国の軍事力にも知識が深い。


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