Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba held further discussions on the 6th with key Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) executives, including Secretary-General Hiroshi Moriyama, at LDP headquarters to address the endorsement of party members involved in the party faction slush fund scandal, whose political funds had been omitted from financial disclosure reports. The LDP is considering a proposal to endorse candidates in line with the wishes of the prefectural branches. Ishiba is also arranging to interview former Abe faction members, with the possibility of excluding some from endorsement based on the outcomes. Preparations are being accelerated in the lead-up to the House of Representatives election announcement on the 15th.
The Prime Minister and others also met on the night of the 5th but postponed reaching a final decision.
There is discussion over proposals such as disallowing candidates from running concurrently in proportional representation or allowing it but with adjustments to their rank on the proportional list.
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✅ 党内で処分のあった議員のうち、議員辞職している塩谷、世耕、堀井氏を除き次期衆院選に自民党から出馬するのは安倍派が22人と支部長が1人(内前回比例復活したのが6人)、二階派が3人
✅ 議員を公認する事は裏金問題を公認すると同じ!また同じ事を繰り返す、発覚すれば会計士を生け贄にして本人は知らぬ存ぜぬを突き通す!今回犠牲?になった会計士はどうなった?知らない間にまた同じ議員に雇われてるのか?前総理の息子みたいに問題があっても知らない間に戻るパターンかな?問題を起こした会計士とか秘書とかのその後が知りたいですね、そこまでメディアも取材して欲しい