
日鉄 買収不成功なら戦略に狂い[2024.12.24]

日鉄 買収不成功なら戦略に狂い



✅ 日鉄、買収不成功なら戦略に狂い 米国で次の機会模索か



















If Nippon Steel’s yearlong effort to acquire US Steel, a major American steel company, ends in failure, the Japanese steel giant will need to revise its strategy for seeking growth abroad. Losing the opportunity to rapidly expand its operations in the United States, the world’s largest consumer of steel, would be a significant setback. In response, Nippon Steel may pursue raw material ventures to secure upstream resources, increase investments in the growing Indian market, and cautiously explore future opportunities for expansion in the US.

Benefits of Acquiring US Steel

Nippon Steel announced its plans to acquire US Steel in December of last year. The acquisition would have given the company an integrated steelworks in the United States, complementing its operations in India and Southeast Asia. This move was intended to bring Nippon Steel closer to its global target of 100 million tons of crude steel production and consolidated business profit of 1 trillion yen.

The US stands out among developed countries as the only market where steel demand is growing, despite its domestic production capacity being insufficient to meet local demand, making it a net importer of steel. High domestic demand, strong market conditions, and protection from cheap Chinese imports make the US an indispensable piece of Nippon Steel’s global strategy.

Although the acquisition, valued at over 2 trillion yen, would temporarily strain Nippon Steel’s financial base and likely necessitate capital increases, industry analysts see its long-term benefits as outweighing these short-term challenges. Daiwa Securities analyst Shinichiro Ozaki called the deal “a very significant step for long-term growth,” while SBI Securities analyst Ryunosuke Shibata described it as “a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

However, on December 23, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which had been reviewing the acquisition from a national security perspective, referred the final decision to President Biden, who must decide within 15 days.

If the acquisition fails, Nippon Steel would owe US Steel a $565 million (approximately 80 billion yen) breakup fee. Frontier Management senior analyst Kazuhiro Harada commented that while the fee itself would not be a major financial burden, missing out on this significant opportunity would have a considerable impact, delaying Nippon Steel’s progress toward its goal of 100 million tons of crude steel production and 1 trillion yen in consolidated business profit.

Promising Growth in India

Alongside the US, India remains a key growth market for Nippon Steel, which operates a joint venture there with European steel giant ArcelorMittal. According to the World Steel Association, while global steel demand is projected to decline by 0.9% in 2024, India is expected to hit record-high levels.

Harada notes that Nippon Steel will likely strengthen its focus on markets like India going forward. Like other Asian nations, India is facing an influx of excess steel from China but has implemented safeguard measures, including tariffs of up to 25%, to protect its domestic market.

Shibata of SBI Securities expects Nippon Steel to continue channeling funds into its joint venture with ArcelorMittal, which is performing well. New blast furnaces are set to come online in India starting in 2025.

In parallel with the US Steel acquisition, Nippon Steel has been expanding its raw materials business, aiming to increase its in-house share of raw materials like coking coal and iron ore to around 40% to ensure stable supply and cost efficiency. Most recently, on December 19, Nippon Steel announced plans to acquire a 30% stake in a Canadian mine to secure high-purity iron ore suitable for low-carbon electric arc furnaces.

“A Global Strategy Without the US Is Unthinkable”

Despite these efforts, the US market remains essential for steelmakers seeking global growth. Should former President Trump, an advocate of “America First” policies, return to office in January next year, importing steel into the US could become even more challenging, further underscoring the importance of having domestic production facilities.

Takahiro Mori, Nippon Steel’s vice chairman who has traveled between Japan and the US multiple times to advance the acquisition, has emphasized, “Entering a growing market as an insider is key. A global strategy without the US is unthinkable.”

If the acquisition fails, future US opportunities may become more uncertain, even if new assets come to market. Harada suggests that Nippon Steel may need to adopt a more gradual approach, such as starting with minority investments to build trust over time.

The AM/NS Calvert joint venture with ArcelorMittal in Alabama, which Nippon Steel plans to sell if the US Steel acquisition succeeds, continues to perform well. If the acquisition falls through, Nippon Steel is likely to focus on expanding this operation while exploring other opportunities.

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✅ 買収が不成功に終われば、日鉄は経営戦略の柱の一つを失い、厳しい状況に直面します。一方、USスチールも買収されなければ、高コスト体質は改善されず、競争力を失って衰退が加速するでしょう。米国の国益を損なうことにもなると思われます。
✅ 日本がバブルの頃、ロックフェラーセンターを三菱地所が買収して、全米に衝撃が走り、ジャパンバッシングが激しくなったそうである。どうも、アメリカは、特に白人は、黄色人種の日本の企業が、基幹産業や象徴となるビルを買収すること自体、屈辱と考えているのではないだろうか。それは、党派を超えた考えのようである。表面上は、日本はアメリカと強い同盟関係にあるけれども、本音は、心の奥に人種差別が残っているのではないだろうか。アメリカの労働者の雇用を守るという日鉄の考えとは、一線を画す心の深い所では違う思想があるようだ。
✅ なぜ日鉄は800億円もUSスチールに支払わなければならないのでしょうか。いかなる理由でも買収が成立しなければ支払わなければならない契約なのでしょうか。仮にそうだとしても双方とも買収に合意しているので違約金は阻止した大統領が支払うものだと思います。戦後日本の軍備、食料、エネルギーなど戦略物質の自主性を破壊しておきながらよく言うなと思います。


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