
西武・源田壮亮 不倫関係を認める[2024.12.26]

西武・源田壮亮 不倫関係を認める



✅ 「不倫関係にはありました…」“侍ジャパン”西武・源田壮亮(31)が銀座高級クラブ勤務“菜々緒似”女性と衝撃不倫を告白

侍ジャパンのショートを務め、2023年のWBC世界一にも貢献した西武・源田壮亮(31)が銀座の高級クラブで働くA子さんと不倫関係にあることが「 週刊文春 」の取材で分かった。


 源田といえば、2017年にドラフト3位で西武に入団した内野手で、ゴールデングラブ賞を7年連続で受賞している名手だ。2019年10月には元乃木坂46・衛藤美彩(31)との結婚を発表。「週刊文春」は過去、 衛藤のインスタグラムに西武の同僚選手・山田遥楓(現楽天)の妻から誹謗中傷メッセージが送られていたことを報じた が、この時、源田夫妻に直撃に行くと、夫を守るように取材に応じたのが衛藤だった。










 源田の口から語られた衝撃的な不倫の事実。一体、何があったのか。そして衛藤にどのような説明をしたのか。12月25日(水)12時配信の「 週刊文春 電子版 」および12月26日(木)発売の「週刊文春」では、不倫相手が衛藤について語っていたこと、源田が50分にわたって懺悔した中身などを詳しく報じている。


Sosuke Genda (31), the shortstop for Samurai Japan and a key contributor to their 2023 WBC championship, has been revealed to be in an extramarital relationship with “Ms. A,” a hostess at a high-end club in Ginza, according to an investigation by Shukan Bunshun. Genda has been married to former Nogizaka46 member Misa Eto since 2019.

Genda’s Career and Marriage

Genda, a third-round pick in the 2017 draft, is a standout infielder who has won the Golden Glove Award for seven consecutive years. In October 2019, he announced his marriage to Misa Eto (31). Shukan Bunshun previously reported on harassment messages Eto received on Instagram from the wife of Genda’s then-teammate Haruki Yamada (now with Rakuten), during which Eto defended her husband in a media interview.

The couple has increased their media appearances together, even making their first joint TV appearance in January 2024. However, behind the scenes, a tip-off was received by Shukan Bunshun:

“Genda from the Seibu Lions is having an affair with Ms. A, a hostess at a high-end club in Ginza.”

Testimonies and Evidence of the Affair

According to a source close to Ms. A:

“Ms. A is in her late 20s, a slender beauty resembling model Nana Eikura. Their affair has lasted nearly a year.”

Shukan Bunshun confirmed Genda and Ms. A spending time together at a hotel in Kawagoe, as well as meeting secretly in Taiwan during the Premier12 tournament. Genda was also spotted visiting Ms. A’s workplace in Japan.

Genda Confesses to the Affair

When approached for comment, Genda, accompanied by his manager, spoke for about 50 minutes:

Q: What is your relationship with Ms. A?

“My relationship? Well… yes, I was involved in an extramarital affair.”

Genda openly admitted to the relationship, leaving many shocked.

The full details, including Ms. A’s comments about Eto and the content of Genda’s 50-minute confession, will be reported in the Shukan Bunshun digital edition on December 25 (Wednesday) and in the print issue on December 26 (Thursday).

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✅ 法律上は、源田選手と不倫相手の女性の不貞行為は妻に対する不法行為になります。

✅ そもそも奥さんが現役アイドルだった時から交際していたのはほぼ確実だし、その時点で誠実な人ではないよね。こじはるが以前番組で「恋愛禁止のアイドルと付き合う人はロクな人がいない」と言ってたけど、その通りになったなという感じ。奥さんも奥さんで、ファンに対して雑音とか言ってたし。
✅ 純朴で愛妻家な好青年、というイメージだったんだけどなぁ。


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