9連休明け 初日に会議はあり?
Year-End and New Year’s Nine-Day Break for the First Time in Five Years
The upcoming extended holiday season is expected to see people traveling, returning to their hometowns, or simply enjoying a cozy time at home. However, returning to work after a long break can feel daunting. Takashi Watanabe, a 68-year-old industrial counselor, shares insights on how managers can ease this transition and adopt more comfortable work practices.
“I Don’t Want to Go Back to Work” – 85.6%
According to an internet survey conducted by “PLUS” (a Tokyo-based office furniture manufacturer) in July 2023, 85.6% of 500 employees (both private and public sector workers) admitted to feeling reluctant to return to work after a long holiday.
This highlights how many people experience a sense of gloom after holidays like the New Year or Obon breaks.
Watanabe notes, “I’ve heard from psychiatrist colleagues that the number of patients tends to increase in the week following a long holiday. This shows the importance of post-holiday measures.”
He also points out that managers often express anxiety, saying, “The New Year is ‘scary.’” This is because meeting with old friends during Christmas or New Year gatherings can lead to discussions about career changes, prompting some employees to consider switching jobs or even resigning right after the break.
What Managers Can Do
To reduce post-holiday stress and turnover among employees, Watanabe suggests managers delay holding meetings immediately after the break.
“As a manager from the Showa era, I used to think it was a good idea to hold an early-morning meeting right after a holiday to tighten focus. But times have changed,” Watanabe explains.
He emphasizes, “People take longer holidays now, and they are more prone to making mistakes immediately after. Meetings often aren’t as urgent as they seem. It’s better to avoid meetings on the first and second days back.”
Some government offices, which traditionally held “kick-off ceremonies” at the start of work, have begun abandoning this practice as part of workstyle reforms. Based on his experience with both public and private sectors, Watanabe observes, “Workplaces are increasingly divided—some still hold meetings after long holidays out of habit, while others adopt a more flexible approach by postponing them.”
“Ha-Hi-Fu-He-Ho” for Post-Holiday Work
What mindset should employees adopt when returning to work? Watanabe suggests the concept of “Ha-Hi-Fu-He-Ho”:
• Ha (半分でいい): “Half effort is fine.”
• Hi (人並みでいい): “Being average is okay.”
• Fu (普通でいい): “Being ordinary is fine.”
• He (平凡でいい): “Being unremarkable is okay.”
• Ho (程々でいい): “Moderation is key.”
Drawing on his experiences working in the U.S. and serving as a visiting professor in China, Watanabe highlights international differences:
“In other countries, people ease back into work after long holidays. For instance, at the American company I worked for, Monday morning meetings were outright banned. In China, tea breaks became more common after holidays.”
Prioritizing Tasks
The concept of the “right to disconnect” has gained wider recognition, meaning fewer work-related calls or emails during holidays. However, this often results in a flood of emails on the first day back.
“To maintain a sense of calm, it’s helpful to prioritize tasks by urgency and importance. Writing them down on paper works just as well as using AI tools,” Watanabe advises.
Restoring Your Routine
For those whose daily routines were disrupted during the holidays, Watanabe recommends:
• Going to bed early the night before returning to work.
• Waking up early on your first workday to exercise for 5–10 minutes.
• Prioritizing resetting your daily rhythm.
He also suggests minimizing time spent on social media to ensure sufficient sleep.
By adopting these strategies, both employees and managers can navigate the post-holiday transition with greater ease.
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✅ 連休前って、何も気にせず休みたいという思いで、みんな完璧に仕事を年内で終わらせようとしちゃうらしいけど、実は緊急性のない仕事を、敢えて一部残しておくと、連休明けに鬱になりにくいって聞いたことがあります。プレッシャーになりそうだけど、そっちのほうがまずはあれを片付けちゃわないとな、って感じで出勤だけにストレスが偏らないから、良いそうです。まあもちろん、連休明けって嫌でも仕事溜まってる人も多いと思うし、絶対に体調良好とも限らないので、実際やるとなると勇気いるかもしれないですが。
✅ 仕事って、やっぱりやりがいや楽しさがあるんだよね。もちろん長期休み明けは気が重いし、ちょっと憂鬱になることもあるけど、いざ出社してみると、同僚と話したり、少しずつタスクを片付けたりしているうちに、「自分が必要とされている」って感じられる瞬間がある。それが案外悪くないんだよね。