
アスレチックス 桐朋・森井を獲得[2025.1.16]

アスレチックス 桐朋・森井を獲得



✅ アスレチックス「ようこそ!」桐朋・森井翔太郎の獲得を発表 朗希よりお先に 夢の二刀流へ第一歩刻む






 森井は3月にチームに合流する前に一度帰国する予定。既に英語の講習を受講しており、大谷翔平、山本由伸、松井秀喜、ダルビッシュ有などのMLBでの成功が決断に役立ったかどうか問われると「Yes, of course.(はい、もちろんです)」と英語で答えたという。




 ◇森井 翔太郎(もりい・しょうたろう)2006年(平18)12月15日生まれ、東京都出身の18歳。桐朋小1年から野球を始め、6年時には西武ジュニア入り。桐朋中では、軟式野球部に所属。高校では1年夏に背番号15で初めてベンチ入りした。憧れの選手はレンジャーズ・デグロム。50メートル走6秒1、遠投110メートル。1メートル83、88キロ。右投げ左打ち。


On January 15 (Japan time: January 16), Major League Baseball’s Oakland Athletics announced the signing of Shotaro Morii (18), a player from Tokyo’s Toho High School. With a signing bonus of $1.5 million (approximately ¥237 million), Morii has taken a major step toward establishing himself as a successful two-way player.

The Athletics stated, “We have agreed to a minor league contract with Shotaro Morii, a shortstop and right-handed pitcher who became an international free agent.” They introduced Morii as “a two-way player from Japan ranked 25th in Baseball America’s international prospect rankings. The 18-year-old Morii hit 45 home runs over three seasons as a left-handed batter at Toho High School in Tokyo while also excelling as a pitcher.” The team also posted on their official X (formerly Twitter) account, “Welcome to the Athletics, Shotaro Morii!” along with a photo of Morii wearing the team’s uniform.

Contracts with international players under the age of 25 became eligible starting January 15 at 9 a.m. Eastern Time (11 p.m. on the same day in Japan). On this day, Morii officially signed with the Athletics, taking a major step toward becoming a new model of success as a two-way player. His signing came ahead of Roki Sasaki of the Lotte Marines, another highly anticipated player under 25 years old.

Later, Morii participated in an online interview with local media. When asked about comparisons to Shohei Ohtani of the Los Angeles Dodgers, a fellow two-way player, he said, “Ohtani is a baseball player who is far ahead of me right now,” but added, “My goal is to get as close to him as possible, as soon as possible.”

Regarding his decision to skip Japan’s NPB league and head straight to the U.S., Morii explained, “When I thought about my life and career as a whole, I didn’t want to regret my decisions. I wanted to join professional baseball as early as possible.” Dan Feinstein, the assistant general manager of the Athletics, said, “He is an incredibly talented baseball player with the athleticism and versatility to excel as both a shortstop and a pitcher. However, beyond his physical abilities, what impressed us most was his passion for the game and his unwavering desire to become one of the next great players from Japan.”

Morii plans to return to Japan before joining the team in March. He has already started taking English lessons and, when asked if the MLB success of players like Shohei Ohtani, Yoshinobu Yamamoto, Hideki Matsui, and Yu Darvish influenced his decision, he reportedly answered in English, “Yes, of course.”

During last summer’s West Tokyo High School Tournament, where scouts from 14 Japanese and American teams gathered, Morii’s team lost 9–2 in the first round to Fujimori. Following the loss, he announced his intention to pursue a career in Major League Baseball. Between September and December of last year, he held meetings with multiple MLB teams, including the Dodgers, where Ohtani and Yamamoto are rumored to be headed. Ultimately, Morii chose the Athletics, valuing the opportunity for a quicker path to the majors, with a goal of making it to MLB within three years.

The Athletics, a team historically known for operating on a low budget and giving young players opportunities, finished fourth in their division last season with 69 wins and 93 losses. The team is set to relocate to Las Vegas, Nevada, in 2028. Over the next three years, they will temporarily play in Sacramento, California. If Morii achieves his goal of reaching the majors in three years, he could become a key player in their new home.

One of Morii’s major objectives is to establish a new model for two-way players. Referring to Shohei Ohtani’s historic “50-50” season (54 home runs and 59 stolen bases) last year, Morii said, “He’s the ideal I want to pursue.” However, he added, “Unlike Ohtani, my strength is that I’m starting in the U.S. from the beginning. I want to focus on what makes me unique instead of comparing myself to him.”

Only three Japanese players—Mac Suzuki, Kazuhito Tadano, and Junichi Tazawa—have made their MLB debuts without going through the NPB league. As a two-way player, Morii aims to create a new precedent, establishing what he calls the “Morii Model.”

A graduate of an elite high school with an academic deviation score of 71, Morii had already decided to pursue a career in the U.S. by the end of his final summer of high school baseball. “I feel there are many areas where I can compete,” he said. He has chosen a challenging path, seeking to test his abilities and reach new heights in the birthplace of baseball.

Shotaro Morii Profile
Born: December 15, 2006, in Tokyo, Japan
Age: 18
Began playing baseball in the first grade at Toho Elementary School and joined the Seibu Junior team in sixth grade. Played for the Toho Junior High School soft baseball team before joining the high school team, where he made the bench for the first time in his freshman summer, wearing jersey number 15. His favorite player is Jacob deGrom of the Texas Rangers. He runs 50 meters in 6.1 seconds, has a throwing distance of 110 meters, stands 1.83 meters tall, and weighs 88 kilograms. Right-handed pitcher and left-handed batter.

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✅ 森井翔太郎についてベテランのスカウトに聞くと、「ポテンシャルは間違いなく1位クラスだが、勝てる環境でプレーしていないことをどう見るか」という答えが返ってきた。このように、日本では全国レベルでの実績なども大きな意味を持っているが、選手の将来性を評価するメジャー・リーグならではの契約という印象だ。日本のドラフト1位を遥かに超える契約金にも驚かされたが、日本ならこれだけ投資した選手を何とか一人前に育てようと腐心する。一方、メジャー球団では熾烈な競争に放り込まれ、何より自己成長力がものを言う。のびのびと、けれども野心をしっかりと抱き、2028年から本拠地をラスベガスに移すアスレチックスで、スターダムにのし上がってもらいたい。
✅ 江夏や野茂が『大リーグ』に挑戦すると話題になった時、大衆は無理だと成功を否定した。が、先人達の努力と苦労、実績のお陰で日本の若者が『MLB』の世界に飛び込みやすくなった。サッカーでは既に何人も若いうちからヨーロッパで揉まれ代表まで登り詰めた選手もいるし、彼の成長と成功を願わずにはいられない。
✅ 大阪万博のテーマ館、太陽の塔の産みの親の岡本太郎画伯が残した言葉に「私は人生の岐路に立った時、いつも困難な方の道を選んできた。」というのがあるが森井選手の進む道は正にそれだ。負けずに存分に戦って欲しい。挑戦を応援したい。


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