
AIと知的財産権の保護 骨子案了承[2024.3.22]

AIと知的財産権の保護 骨子案了承



✅ 生成AIの学習データ、適正な収集とクリエイターなどへの対価求める…政府の中間骨子案




On the 21st, the government held an online meeting of the "Intellectual Property Rights Study Group in the AI Era" to discuss the protection of intellectual property rights in light of the rapid development of generative AI (Artificial Intelligence), and the outline of the interim summary was approved. The outline called for the proper collection of data used for AI learning and the fair compensation of creators and others involved in generative AI development and provision.

The outline aims to achieve an ecosystem where the advancement of AI technology and the appropriate protection of intellectual property rights coexist, emphasizing the necessity of combining legal rules, contracts, and technology for response. Furthermore, as voluntary efforts expected from AI developers and providers, recommendations such as the acquisition of learning data and compensation to rights holders through contracts and the adoption of technology that does not infringe on intellectual property rights were made. Rights holders were urged to organize learning data and manage data that they do not want to be learned. AI users were also encouraged to verify the reliability of AI and use it appropriately.

Regarding technological responses, the outline specifically mentioned the digital technology "Originator Profile (OP)" for identifying information disseminators on the Internet as "useful." The study group plans to conduct an interim summary based on the outline at the end of April.

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