




✅ DeNA戦力外→アメリカ最高峰の独立リーグで打率3割超え&42盗塁、乙坂智30歳が振り返る「“MLBのショーケース”で起きていたこと」「筒香嘉智との再会」





■ MLBへの人生で初めて変化球で押し込まれる





■ 序盤は好調も…


「アメリカを意識したオフの過ごし方や、過去NPBで対戦した外国人投手をイメージしてのトレーニングがハマりましたね。また、気持ちの面でも、MLBのスカウトが見ている可能性が高いですし『いいプレーでアピールするぞ! 』ってモチベーションは高かったです」

■ 10キロぐらい体重が落ちた



■ 自分をだましていた


「まあでも条件は皆一緒ですからね。そこから這い上がっていくしかない。どうやって気持ちを保っていたか? 僕の表現だと“ぼかす”っていうか、自分をだましていましたよね。『もう全然余裕、イケる、イケる! 』って自分に言い聞かせていました」

■ 熱湯あちあち打法





■ 重視した「調和」



■ 筒香先輩との再会




■ 常にアップデートされている筒香さん




■ 打率リーグ4位もネックになった「パワー」「年齢」



■ 米独立リーグはまさにMLBの“ショーケース”



■ 自分のプレーを編集した動画を作成し、売り込み





"If you don't move, the scenery won't change. Well, anyway, it's all about passion," said Tomo Otsuka, with a light tone but a serious expression contrasting his words.

Former outfielder for the Yokohama DeNA BayStars, Otsuka had played in the Mexican League, the Venezuelan Winter League, and the independent leagues in the past two seasons. His days of struggle in foreign countries, all for the dream of joining an MLB team.

"I was prepared for it not to be easy, and the obstacles are still many. But I have to face what I can do now without giving up."

■ First time facing a changeup in life

In the 2022 season, Otsuka played in Mexico and Venezuela, recording a combined 176 hits, 3 home runs, a batting average of .354, 41 RBIs, and 41 stolen bases in 128 games. His performance earned him a spot in the Atlantic League (ATLL), the highest-level independent league in the United States, known as a partner league supported by MLB. For players not in MLB-affiliated minor league teams, it's considered the frontline for grabbing a chance at the majors.

"I heard that many players from ATLL earn minor league contracts with MLB teams, so when I received an offer from York, I felt like I had no choice but to go."

■ Good start, but...

Despite a strong start with a batting average of .480, 7 RBIs, and an OPS of 1.159 in the first 6 games, things didn't stay that way for Otsuka.

"The conditions were worse than in Central and South America. Even though we received meal money, breakfast alone could cost around 3,000 yen due to high prices, and since we had to pay for hotels during away games, staying 4-5 times a month would exceed our monthly salary. So, I started cooking for myself. And then there's the travel. In Mexico or Venezuela, the bus ride would be at most 10 hours, but for example, traveling from York in Pennsylvania to South Carolina would take 14-15 hours by bus. And you have to change and get ready for the game right after arriving. Plus, the climate difference between Pennsylvania at 8°C and South Carolina at 32°C. You need to be physically and mentally tough; otherwise, the environment will wear you down. There were times when I lost about 10 kilograms while in America."

■ Fooling myself

The game schedule included doubleheaders within 13 days and stretches of 15 or even 21 games in a row by the end of the season. Otsuka thought he had experienced most things in Central and South America, but the harsh living conditions in the independent league inevitably took a toll on him.

"But everyone was in the same boat, so you had to crawl out of it. How did I keep my spirits up? Well, I guess I fooled myself. I kept telling myself, 'I'm totally fine, I can do this!'"

■ Hot water hitting method

Otsuka chuckled as he said this. It was a path he had chosen willingly. He couldn't afford to let himself be discouraged easily. Despite facing game after game, Otsuka managed to hold his ground without letting his performance slip. Since going abroad in 2022, his "speed" became a new weapon, disrupting opposing teams, and his batting improved to make contact with fastballs through daily practice. He also switched to a bat made of solid wood for a stronger impact. The key was to start early, react quickly, and keep an eye on the ball for longer. He called it the "hot water hitting method."

"When you touch something hot, you instinctively pull your hand back, right? It's like that."

Otsuka laughed. It was about instinctively reacting to the opposing pitcher in a sensory way.

"You have pitchers with various pitching styles that you couldn't imagine in Japan, so if you imagine the batting style you want to do beforehand, it becomes a selfish swing. So, it's important to adjust to the opponent (pitcher), not just in human relationships."

■ Emphasizing "harmony"

Otsuka felt that rather than a one-sided "attack" mindset, achieving maximum effectiveness required "harmony" with the opponent.

"It's like 'harmonizing the space.' When you're being selfish, the space breaks, and you don't hit good balls. On the other hand, if you can maintain it, strong hits will come. To put it in extreme terms, thinking about things like the center of gravity, head position, and hands when you step into the batter's box is selfish. Instead, you should have already solved all of that during practice. And it's important to sharpen your sensitivity and step into the batter's box."

■ Reunion with Senior Tsutsugo

During the exhausting season, Otsuka was stimulated by an unexpected reunion. It was with Katsuki Tsutsugo, who joined the Staten Island Ferry Hawks in the same league in August. Tsutsugo was two years senior to Otsuka at Yokohama High School and had played together for 8 years at DeNA, becoming an invaluable figure both personally and professionally. Over time, they both aimed for MLB and ended up fighting in the independent leagues, a dream neither had imagined.

"It's strange, isn't it? We met again after about a year, but never expected it to be in this situation. I must say, we've led interesting baseball lives."

Otsuka said with a somewhat amused expression.

■ Always updated Tsutsugo-san

"I think Tsutsugo-san's first game after joining was a three-game series against us, and it was quite moving to see him at bat from center field. He hit two home runs in that series, and it was impressive."

After the game, Otsuka was invited to Tsutsugo's stay and had a meal together.

"It was all about baseball as usual. I really think he loves baseball and thinks about it all the time. So, his batting had evolved tremendously. There were no wasted movements compared to when he was in Japan. The fewer movements you have while still producing power, the better, and as the level increases, you can't cope with big movements. Tsutsugo-san changes what he says every time we meet. In other words, he's always updated. He's really evolving in a good direction."

■ Despite batting average ranking 4th, "Power" and "Age" became hurdles

Despite his achievements, including a batting average of .330 (4th in the league), 123 hits, 2 home runs, 48 RBIs, and 42 stolen bases (2nd in the league), and receiving the Gold Glove Award for outfielders, Otsuka's expression remained unchanged. In reality, he hadn't received any offers from MLB teams.

"It feels like I was so close yet couldn't break through the wall. Looking back, I think I lacked power. Looking at the trend, I feel like MLB might be difficult without an OPS (on-base plus slugging percentage) of over .900 as a minimum. Plus, in terms of age (30 years old), if the numbers are similar to mine, they'd probably pick and nurture younger players. And unless you leave a performance that MLB teams can calculate you as a starter, it might be tough for me."

■ The American Independent League is truly MLB's "showcase"

Facing the harsh reality. However, the challenge of the American Independent League allowed me to establish what kind of player I am.

"The ATLL is truly a 'showcase' for MLB. Most players are appealing how fast they can pitch or how far they can hit. In that regard, my style involves a lot of subtle plays like stealing bases and hitting for safety, so in that sense, I was able to express myself freely. I received evaluations from others like, 'Tomo (Otsuka) is unique and one-of-a-kind.' But it becomes clear which teams I fit with and which ones I don't. Personally, I hoped to find a team that suited me... In that sense, it was a season that left me feeling frustrated in the end."

■ Creating and promoting videos of my own gameplay

Nodding in agreement, Otsuka said, "I tried to explore possibilities by not just showcasing myself on the field but also by creating videos edited with my own gameplay and contacting my agent almost every day, asking them to send them to all 30 MLB teams. Yet, there was no response from MLB."

"However, it was meaningful to be able to learn about an unknown world. Despite the many challenges, I felt a sense of growth. I had experiences that I could never have had in Japan, and I feel like I've scaled up not only as a baseball player but also as a person. If there are still chances ahead, I'll just continue to play with all my might wherever I go."

Living in York toughened me up both physically and mentally. But I'm still on the path towards my dream. As October arrived, I became a frequent traveler once again to play in the Venezuelan Winter League, just like last year. The endless journey spanning from North America to South America continues on.

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✅ メキシカンリーグ、米独立リーグ、ウィンターシーズンのベネズエラリーグで、成績不振やコンディション不良の影響で数日で解雇されてしまう選手がいる中で、乙坂は年間通して活躍するだけすごいと思います。
✅ ともにベイスターズ出身の二人。
✅ この人は、DeNA退団の経緯も純粋に能力を見切られての戦力外通告じゃないからなぁ。


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