




✅ G20、3会合ぶり共同声明 為替合意を再確認 財務相会議閉幕









The G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting concluded on the 26th (27th Japan time) with the adoption of a joint statement.

This is the first time in three meetings that a joint statement has been adopted. The statement reaffirmed the existing agreement that excessive fluctuations in exchange rates can negatively impact the economy. On the key issue of international taxation, there was a consensus on the early implementation of "digital taxation" targeting large IT companies.

Japan was represented by Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki. In a post-meeting press conference, he emphasized, "We effectively communicated Japan's stance on international issues, and this was reflected in the outcomes." Despite government and Bank of Japan interventions, the sharp depreciation of the yen has paused, but downward pressure on the yen remains strong due to interest rate differentials between Japan and the U.S. Suzuki noted that reaffirming the agreement on exchange rates was "an important achievement."

Regarding international taxation, the statement welcomed progress towards implementing "digital taxation." However, it only mentioned that the signing of the necessary multilateral treaty by various governments should occur "as soon as possible."

On the issue of taxing the ultra-wealthy, which is a priority for the chair country Brazil, the statement emphasized continuing cooperation towards "a more equitable, stable, and efficient international tax system." A ministerial declaration on international tax cooperation was also adopted, highlighting the importance of progressive taxation in addressing domestic inequalities.

The statement noted that the global economy's prospects for a "soft landing" have increased, but also listed "wars and escalating conflicts," economic fragmentation, and persistent inflation as downside risks. Amid growing concerns about intensifying trade disputes between the West and China, the statement explicitly mentioned the need to "counter protectionism."

Brazil aimed to adopt a joint statement that included challenges faced by emerging and developing countries while avoiding contentious discussions on geopolitical risks. While a joint statement was adopted, the chair's statement pointed out that "some countries expressed their views on the situations in Russia, Ukraine, and Gaza," highlighting the deep divisions within the G20.

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✅ デジタル課税の影響を受けるのは、GAFAをはじめとする、コンテンツ及びエンタテインメントジャンル商品・サービスの売り上げが大きい国際企業です。
✅ G20では為替レートの過度な変動や無秩序な動きは、経済および金融の安定に対する悪影響を与えうるとのG20における既存のコミットメントが再確認された。さらにイエレン米財務長官は26日、日本経済新聞の単独インタビューに応じ、米国が長年、問題視してきたのは通貨安への誘導だと強調。円買い介入を実施した日本は状況が異なるとの考えを示唆した。つまり政府・日銀の為替介入は容認しているとも受け取れる発言となっていた。これまでは米政府の意向に反しての介入ではないかとの観測もあったが、この発言もあり、今後も為替介入は可能との認識を強めてくる可能性もある。今回のG20には植田日銀総裁は出席しなかった模様。
✅ Amazonでショップを運営してます。売る種類にもよるけど、うちは大口契約で、1個売れる毎に販売額の約1/5をピンハネされ、更に毎月利用料も取られてます。その為、販売額を上げたい所ですが、販売額が他のネットショップより高いと、最悪オススメ商品から外されます。常に最安値を自動でキープするシステムまであります。


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